            The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Tonight, in honor of Halloween and the election, we bring you two special hours of 
Hardball...7 pm ET and 9 pm ET exclusively on MSNBC, where Americans turn to for news 
that effects their world..

Live from Democracy Plaza in New York we bring you the latest and greatest from the 
campaign trail from the best and brightest in the political prognostication 
business...Our 7 pm panel: Andrea Mitchell, Jonathan Alter and Ben Ginsberg...We'll do 
some battleground state debatin' with Governor Bill Richardson (D-NM) and Governor 
Bill Owens (R-CO)...We sent Shuster down to Florida and we'll get a Miami report from 
him http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6368852/  We follow that up with Congresswoman Ileana 
Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL) and Congressman Bob Wexler (D-FL) to duke it out over who'll win 
the sunshine state...Ron Reagan will have some fun stuff for you and Chris dives into 
the mosh pit of our audience....Well, not literally of course, but he'll definitely be 
kicking it with our live audience and doing some real time focus grouping...

Keith takes over from 8-9 pm ET

Our 9 pm ET panel: Andrea Mitchell, Jon Meacham and Pat Buchanan...Plus, Ginsburg on 
the legal actions this cycle, Philly mayor John Street on the African-American vote, 
Trippi on the blogosphere and we'll also get into the all important topic of religion 
in politics...And of course, we'll slice and dice the political impact of the new OBL 

I'd say something cheesy like "all treats, no tricks" folks, but that would be too 
cliché on Halloween...Please join us and keep a bowl of candy nearby for the trick o' 

I love this...Wanna really scare the kids? Stumped on what to do for a Halloween 
costume tonight? Click here and download a free mask of one of your favorite MSNBC 
hosts! http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/3096434/

Going back more than six decades, whenever the Redskins have won their last home game 
before a presidential election, the incumbent party has kept the White House.  Today's 
game at FedEx Field pits (Bush and) the 'Skins versus (Kerry and) Green Bay.  The 
Washington Post opines on the Redskins predictor 

MSNBC needs your help...MSNBC TV and MSNBC.com are relying on you to help report this 
election. With such a tight race and so much controversy, accuracy and speed are 
critical to good coverage. That's where you come in. We want you to file stories for 
use on MSNBC blogs and broadcasts. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6348977/

Check out some of our Citizen Journalists' reportage 

Rally your candidate's base to show their support online. In part 5 of our Big 
Picture: Campaign Adviser series you go from playing political adviser to actually 
being one. Use our tools to get out the vote for your candidate in our online poll. 

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Hardball Briefing from deep inside the 

Poll Wrap (I apologize if this doesn't format correctly on your computer...deal with 

BUSH    48% (down one point)
KERRY 48% (no change)

OCT 26 - 29 (moe 2%) likely voters
BUSH    49%

OCT 27 - OCT 29 (moe +/-4%) likely voters
BUCH/CHENEY             50%
NADER/CAMEJO           1%

                        KERRY/EDWARDS   BUSH/CHENEY
ARKANAS         43%                     51%             +/-4%   MSNBC/Knight-Ridder
COLORADO                43%                     50%             +/-3.5  Mason-Dixon
FLORIDA         45%                     49%             +/-3.5  Mason-Dixon
MISSOURI                44%                     49%             +/-4    
NEVADA          44%                     40%             +/-3.5  Las Vegas Review 
Journal & Reviewjournal.com
NEW HAMPSHIRE   47%                     46%             +/-4    MSNBC/Knight-Ridder
OHIO                    46%                     48%             +/-4    
WEST VIRGINIA   43%                     51%             +/-4    MSNBC/Knight-Ridder
IOWA                    44%                     49%             +/-4    
MICHIGAN                47%                     45%             +/-4    
MINNESOTA               47%                     48%             +/-4    St. Paul 
NEW MEXICO              45%                     49%             +/-4    Santa Fe New 
Mexican & KOE Television
OREGON          50%                     44%             +/-4    MSNBC/Knight-Ridder
PENNSYLVANIA    48%                     46%             +/-4    MSNBC/Knight-Ridder
WISCONSIN               48%                     46%             +/-4    

AP: Bush Has Slight Electoral Lead 

Bush, Kerry in reach of electoral win...But neither has clear advantage in tossup 
states (The Washington Post) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6369360/

Curry: President hanging on to 'battleground' leads...With 48 hours of campaigning 
left, President Bush is holding on to narrow leads over Democratic challenger John 
Kerry in two-thirds of states surveyed by MSNBC-Knight Ridder, including six of the 
nine "battleground states." http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6363705/

More than 1.8 million Floridians have cast their ballots through early or absentee 
voting - nearly 2 1/2 times the number of people who voted early in 2000. (AP) 

Post Analysis: In '04, GOP Is a Target Missed...Democrats Seldom Aim at Accountability 
Issue, Strategists in Both Parties Say 

More Post Analysis: Bush, Kerry leadership instincts differ radically...Voters being 
asked to choose between 'The Fox' or 'The Hedgehog' 

The presidential contenders face off in Tampa today with only two days left, an 
unexpected deluge of early voters, ballots already being counted - and rejected - and 
the outcome in Florida anything but clear in a new poll. (Tampa Tribune) 

Now They're Registered, Now They're Not...Election Officials Express Dismay at Extent 
of Misinformation, Variety of Tricks Targeting Voters (The Washington Post) 

A man was charged Friday with making a threat against the life of Vice President Dick 
Cheney (news - web sites) during his campaign visit to Michigan, the U.S. attorney's 
office said. (AP) 

Schilling goes to bat for Bush in 3 states (The Boston Globe) 

Dedicated daughters...Chelsea stumps in Florida, First Twins hit Jersey (NY Daily 
News) http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/story/248040p-212440c.html

John Sasso, a senior adviser to John F. Kerry's presidential campaign, threatened to 
ban Fox News staff from the candidate's plane Friday night when Fox initially refused 
to apologize for a talk show host's comment that a new videotape showed Osama bin 
Laden with a Kerry button. (The Boston Globe) 

Republicans are poised to renew their grip on the House on Tuesday, and Democrats' 
faint hopes of a Senate takeover hinge on close races in a string of southern and 
western states that favor President Bush. (Chicago Sun Times) 

Terry's latest blog: Iraq War V. Culture War 

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