            The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Hardball airs on MSNBC at 7p, 11p & 4a ET & 4p, 8p & 1a PT  Find MSNBC on your TV 
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On your Friday night edition of Hardball we look beyond the notion of the Horserace 
and get into the messy business of governing and dissecting the mandate...Howard kicks 
off the show and will be joined by National Review's White House correspondent Byron 
York to get into Bush's upcoming agenda, his political capital, who will be left 
standing after the cabinet is shaken up? and what his enemies may be plotting...

David Shuster's package tonight deals with the President's relationship with the press 
and how that may or may not change in his second term...We'll also talk to star 
journalists Jim VandeHei (Wash Post) and James Warren (Chicago Trib) about the media's 
role in this election and the presidential relationship thereof...

Later we'll talk to author Thomas Frank, "What's the matter with Kansas?: How 
conservatives win the Heart of America", a liberal who thinks the Dems need to move 
farther Left to wage a more successful political battle against the GOP..

Democrats: Are they dead or just look that way?  We asked noted MSNBC political 
analyst (and proud man of the Left) Ron Reagan

Fun story of the day...The slamming of Vannessa Kerry: "She had an entourage of five 
people with her everywhere she went," one Kerry confidant sniffed to PAGE SIX's Jared 
Paul Stern. "A hairdresser, makeup artist, publicist and two assistants. It ended up 
costing something like $8,000 a month. And she didn't exactly do anything." 

Should be a hoot...Please join us!

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Hardball Briefing from inside the 

Fun Hillary News

Sen. Chuck Schumer yesterday said his junior partner in the Senate, Hillary Rodham 
Clinton, is the "front-runner" in the battle to win the White House in 2008. (NY Post) 

Hil won't squelch chatter on '08 bid...Sen. Hillary Clinton refused to squelch talk 
yesterday about whether she has her eyes on the White House after John Kerry's loss 
made her the Democrats' insta-front-runner for 2008. (NY Daily News) 

Bush weighs 'inevitable' Cabinet changes...At the Camp David retreat Friday for a long 
weekend after the grueling election campaign, President Bush was already considering 
changes in his Cabinet and among senior White House staff. (MSNBC) 

Bush ready to govern in own style...Victory margin gives him some breathing room (Post 
Analysis) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6411614/

U.S. payrolls showed strong growth in Oct....Unemployment rate edges up to 5.5 percent 
(AP) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6414103/

Curry: Bush's chance to shape America's judiciary...With openings looming on Supreme 
Court, president may soon face a defining battle http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6410449/

Analysts say outlook for Bush plan bleak...Too much deficit, not enough revenue, they 
say (The Washington Post) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6411613/

After losing back-to-back presidential elections, Democratic leaders are trying to 
figure out how to make the party more relevant to mainstream Americans and keep it 
from slipping into perpetual minority-party status. (AP) 

Democrats question what went wrong...As John Kerry basked Wednesday in the final 
applause of his failed campaign, at a packed gathering in Boston that was nothing 
short of funereal, supporters shivered in the cold outside and wondered what went 
wrong. (The Washington Post) 

More tests set for Elizabeth Edwards...Ex-candidate's wife has breast cancer (AP) 

Arafat said to be 'between life and death'...Palestinian leadership seeks to project 
unity (AP) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6402008/

Arafat's passing could aid U.S. peacemaking...Plans to resume Mideast talks rely on 
emerging Palestinian leaders (AP) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6413502/

Sen. John McCain will return to the state (NH) in two weeks. He won't be campaigning 
for Bush this time...(Manchester Union Leader) Scroll to the bottom 

Forget Springsteen and Bon Jovi - now it's "red state" conservatives who are going to 
party like rock stars during Dubya's presidential inauguration in January, paying up 
to $1 million for a sweet suite with every conceivable luxury for the rich but 
not-so-famous. (NY Post) http://www.nypost.com/news/nationalnews/31747.htm

At the End of the Race, Dressed to Impress (The Washington Post) 


The Wall Street Journal: Finishing in Fallujah...This time the offensive shouldn't 
stop for political reasons. 

The Washington Times: Media Missteps 

Ilana Mercer: Ariel Sharon Rolls The Dice 

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