            The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Hardball airs tonight on MSNBC at 7p, 11p & 4a ET & 4p, 8p & 1a PT  Find MSNBC 
on your TV http://www.msnbc.com/CableOperator.asp  MSNBC also is on your XM 
satellite radio on channel 130

This week marks a momentous occasion in NBC News and television journalism 
history...Legendary Nightly News anchor Tom Brokaw issues his final broadcast 
this Wednesday, December 1st...We'll talk to him about his career, the 
historical events he's covered and get his thoughts on the current state of 
broadcast journalism...A treat for sure...We lead the broadcast with Tom...

Shuster's package revolves around the Intel Bill Brouhaha...Who's trying to 
kill it and why?  Will it get passed in this lame duck session?  We'll also get 
perspective from Congressman Ernest Istook (R-OK) and Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren 

We'll wrap up on prospects for peace in the Middle East with Newsweek's Lally 
Weymouth on her exclusive in this week's issue...

Btw, Chris will be on the Don Imus radio show tomorrow Tuesday at 7:29 am 
ET...The show is simulcast on MSNBC if you're near a TV or not sure of the 
radio frequency.

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Hardball Briefing from 
Washington, DC

Lally Backgrounder: No Guts, No Glory, No Peace...In exclusive interviews, 
Ariel Sharon and Mahmoud Abbas survey the future 

Bush nominates Kellogg's CEO for commerce...Carlos Gutierrez is from family 
that fled Castro's Cuba (AP) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6608039/

Suicide bomber kills 12 at Iraq police station...Most victims waiting for 
paychecks; 2 GIs killed in Baghdad attack (MSNBC) 

Bush called on to push intel reform...Kean: 'The president has got to go to 
work' http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6600788/

The Hill, Bush differ on counterterror agency...Key issue is the amount of 
authority wielded by director (The Washington Post) 

Al-Qaida No. 2 vows to continue to fight U.S....Al-Zawahri makes threat in tape 
aired by al-Jazeera network (MSNBC) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6608764/

Ask not why so few inaugural speeches resonate long after they are given. 
History always will remember Abraham Lincoln's appeal to the "better angels of 
our nature." History probably has forgotten President Bush's flowery 
declaration four short years ago that an "angel still rides in the whirlwind 
and directs this storm." (AP) 

No review of Mass. gay marriage law...The Supreme Court sidestepped a dispute 
over gay marriage on Monday, rejecting a challenge by conservative groups to 
the status of Massachusetts as the only state that sanctions same-sex 
marriages. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6607648/

Rehnquist to miss sixth week of work...Chief Justice will be absent from 
Supreme Court on Monday (AP) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6591231/

Americans favor Supreme Court age limit...Poll shows six in 10 support 
mandatory retirement (AP) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6602068/

Supreme Court weighs medical marijuana laws...Case to determine whether states 
have right to adopt such laws (AP) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6585161/

The Supreme Court let stand Monday a lower court ruling allowing the U.S. Army 
to keep four watercolors painted by Adolf Hitler that were seized in Germany 
after World War II. (AP) 

Greeted by an enthusiastic crowd, John Edwards kicked off a farewell tour as 
U.S. senator Monday but left little doubt he wasn't saying goodbye to politics. 
(AP) http://apnews.myway.com/article/20041129/D86LNGT02.html


Katrina: Truth and Consequences in Ukraine...Things are far murkier than they 
seem http://www.thenation.com/edcut/index.mhtml?bid=7

Brother Novak: France's American problem 

Doonesbury http://www.ucomics.com/doonesbury/

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