            The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Break out the popcorn and TV trays folks because we're in for a long, fun 
ride...Chris anchors coverage of SOTU from 7 to 8 pm ET...Keith takes over for 
an hour and then Chris and company return for the speech at 9:01 ET until 
Midnight...At the bewitching hour, Ron & Joe take over for "After Hours" 
(Remember that from the conventions? With the smooth jazz bumper 
music?)...They'll kick it for 2 hours for you late night insomniac types...

I'm not gonna spend all day convincing you on why you should watch...Devotees 
of Hardball know that big Washington events are the nights that Chris lives for 
and really shines...I told him he's going unscripted, unplugged and without a 
net...Our 7 pm panel will consist in some part: Howard, Scarborough and Laura 
Ingraham with a dash of David Gregory from the White House (lawn, I assume) and 
White House spokesperson Nicolle Devenish...We'll also chat with Senators Trent 
Lott and John McCain (I know folks, this is a record, 3 McCain appearances in 3 

At 8:30 Chris will jump in with Keith and "voice over" POTUS departure from the 
White House en route to the Capitol...Chris will also want to show off his 
knowledge of all the Members of Congress, Senators, cabinet et al. as they 
arrive into the House chamber...

At 9 pm we toss to the speech and then the Dem response from Reid and 
Pelosi...We'll of course have correspondents strategically placed throughout 
the Capitol, White House and the Pentagon...Shuster will do Statuary Hall which 
of course will serve as the post-game spin room....Our late night panel: Norah, 
Meacham, Scarborough & Frum (author of Bush's 2002 "Axis of Evil" SOTU)...And 
for those of you who stay up late with us, we'll bring you a special appearance 
by Pat...

Our "friends" over at ABC News list a number of interesting things to look for 
in tonight's speech...Here's one which provoked a chuckle: "Watch how often the 
pool director chooses Sen. Clinton as the reaction cut-away."

So fire up the popcorn, the carryout, the TV trays, whatever and join us for 
the fun...Live from the Nation's Capitol...

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Hardball Briefing from 
Washington, DC

Fun MSNBC news:  Tucker Carlson finally lands in his new slot at MSNBC 

His view of New Jersey? "When you live here, it's just Jersey," he reminded us. 
"I'm embracing every aspect of it. 'The Sopranos' is a blueprint for life in 
New Jersey, as far as I'm concerned." (Reliable Source) Click & Scroll 

Bush to outline goals on Social Security, Iraq...State of the Union speech also 
tackles democratic reform, domestic issues (AP) 

This time, confident Bush primed...President expected to portray Iraqi vote as 
policy vindication (SF Chronicle) 

Presidential promises scorecard (USA Today) 

Pope's condition 'improving'...Doctors optimistic, says Italy's health minister 
(MSNBC) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6886516/

Sunni cleric group calls Iraq's vote illegitimate...Mosul police chief sets 
2-week deadline for insurgents (AP) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6874656/

Former Texas Rep. Martin Frost dropped out of the race for Democratic national 
chairman on Tuesday after failing to win the backing of organized labor, 
winnowing the field to front-runner Howard Dean and three challengers. (AP) 

Infighting hinders Homeland Security...Squabbles said to reduce department's 
effectiveness (The Washington Post) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6896595/

Chertoff vows to balance security and liberty...Homeland Security nominee faces 
senators (AP) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/6894700/

The Senate won't vote Wednesday to confirm attorney general nominee Alberto 
Gonzales, GOP senators say, in part because Democrats don't want to give 
President Bush a success to talk about in his State of the Union speech. (AP) 

A Purple Heart changes his stripes (DC Examiner) 

They may both be out of office, but Bill Clinton remains the ultimate boogeyman 
for former Sen. Jesse Helms. In a fund-raising a letter for his senatorial 
library, Helms invokes the specter of the former president leading the United 
Nations after Kofi Annan retires next year (AP) 

Rep. Bobby Jindal is planning to demonstrate solidarity with Iraqi voters by 
dipping a finger in purple ink before President Bush's State of the Union 
speech Wednesday. (AP) 

For better and for worse, Carville and Matalin spar - lightly (Home News 
Tribune) http://www.thnt.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=2005502020397

Entertaining for Their Countries...On Embassy Row, Some Important Meals Start 
With a Hands-On Trip to the Market (Post Food Section) 

Recipe: Buffalo Wings 

Power Struggle Grips the Club for Growth (NY Sun) 

Fidel Castro said Tuesday that U.S. President George W. Bush appears deranged, 
and that Cubans would much rather live in the Caribbean island's "heaven" than 
try and survive in what he said was Bush's corrupt, capitalist "hell." (AP) 

Sex and the Yogi? No way, says Yankee legend Yogi Berra. The Hall of Famer is 
suing Turner Broadcasting System for $10 million, claiming his moniker was 
tainted when it was used in a racy ad for "Sex and the City." (NY Daily News) 


Shafer: Together, Again...Judith Miller and Ahmad Chalabi. 

Pat: The American-Sunni War http://www.wnd.com/news/article.asp?ARTICLE_ID=42656

Carter: I Like Mike...Michael Chertoff isn't the Neanderthal he's been made out 
to be. http://slate.msn.com/default.aspx?id=2112909

Terry: The Mud Puddle Preservation Plan 

Doonesbury http://www.ucomics.com/doonesbury/

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