            The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Well folks if this ain't the night to break out the TV trays, pop the popcorn 
and settle in for some hot cable news, I don't know what is...As promised we're 
live tonight from Two Rivers Baptist Church in Nashville...Tonight's Hardball 
Special Edition: "One Nation Under God" examines the crossroads of politics and 
pulpit in front of a live audience...

Chris: "We're gathered here tonight to talk about a deep division in this 
country, over the proper role of religion and religious belief in our country's 
electoral politics.  And more than that, the recognition of God in our 
democratic process of government."  

We will feature three of the people at the center of the biggest culture war 
battles of the last year including Judge Roy Moore of Alabama, George Felos, 
attorney for Michael Schiavo, and Micky Weinstein, an Air Force cadet parent 
who complained about religious intolerance at the academy. The nation's top 
religious leaders will debate the role of religion in U.S. politics including 
Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council, Reverend Albert Pennybacker, of 
the Clergy and Leity Network, Dr. Richard Land, from the Southern Baptist 
Convention, Dr. Jerry Sutton, Pastor of Two Rivers Baptist Church and Reza 
Aslam, a Muslim religious scholar....

And it doesn't stop there...We'll preview President Bush's big speech on Iraq 
at Ft. Bragg with White House Communications Director Nicolle Devenish... We'll 
bring you the speech from Ft. Bragg in its entirety which is expected to last 
until around 8:40-ish ET...We then take it to 10 pm ET with a live Town Hall 
special from Two Rivers and get reaction from the congregation...We'll even 
throw in Biden, Warner and a special guest appearance from Newsweek's Jon 
Meacham...Tucker and Norah will anchor buddy on stage...

Please don't miss this...

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Hardball Briefing from 
Washington, DC

Bush seeks to ease worries about war...Speech at Fort Bragg aimed at reassuring 
skeptical public about Iraq (MSNBC) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/8387168/

Rice: Bush Will Stress Need For Patience In Iraq In Speech (KXAN-TV) 

Bush to ask teetering Americans for resolve in Iraq (USA Today) 

Before his address, Bush will meet with the families of 33 U.S. troops killed 
in Iraq and Afghanistan. The audience for his speech will be 600 to 700 
soldiers, the White House said. (AP) 

Poll points to increasing doubts on war's progress, Bush's reasons (USA Today) 

SF Chronicle Analysis: The best clue to what President Bush wants to tell the 
American people about Iraq today can probably be found in his selection of the 
nation's largest Army base as a backdrop for his prime-time address. 

U.S. military helicopter crashes in Afghanistan...Condition of those on board 
unknown (AP) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/8391112/

Anger over ruling on Ten Commandments...'It's just wrong,' some Bible Belt 
residents say of Supreme Court decision (AP) 

Americans skeptical about Iraq claims....As President Bush prepares to address 
the nation about Iraq Tuesday night, a new Washington Post-ABC News poll finds 
that most Americans do not believe the administration's claims that impressive 
gains are being made against the insurgency, but a clear majority is willing to 
keep U.S. forces there for an extended time to stabilize the country. (The 
Washington Post) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/8380390/

As insurgency holds, US prepares long Iraq campaign (Reuters) 

Democrats criticize payments to KBR...Pentagon auditors question more than $1 
billion in Iraq costs, report says (The Washington Post) 

'Gold Star' moms to admit non-citizens...Group came under fire for barring 
Filipina mother of slain GI (AP) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/8387014

Bush senior, Clinton hang out together...One putt at a time, ex-presidents 
cement friendship (AP) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/8389579/

Secrecy as process to beatify John Paul II opens...Most key players appear to 
be in favor of late pope's canonization (AP) 

Novelist and historian Shelby Foote, whose Southern storyteller's touch 
inspired millions to read his multivolume work on the Civil War, has died. He 
was 88. (AP) 


Miniter: The Defeatist Caucus...Some on Capitol Hill seem to yearn for a repeat 
of Vietnam. http://www.opinionjournal.com/columnists/bminiter/?id=110006879

Will: Hairsplitting at the Court 

David Limbaugh: Rove Is Right 

Katrina: Rove on the couch http://www.thenation.com/blogs/edcut?bid=7

Conason: Klein's New Low In Hillary Bashing 

Doonesbury http://www.ucomics.com/doonesbury/

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