            The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

An about face from Mayor Ray Nagin on the re-opening of New Orleans 
today...Under a plan Nagin devised, citizens living in certain zipcodes would 
be allowed to return to the city...Under pressure from President Bush and 
federal officials, Nagin held a presser late in the day ordering people to stay 
out...This follows a day of discussion and debate over the safety of folks 
going back to New Orleans...David Shuster will put it together for us and get 
into some of the verbal back and forth...

Alan Brouusard, the President of neighboring Jefferson Parish checks in on the 
reconstruction of his neck of the woods and the perils of coming home too 

We'll talk to the FBI special agent in charge of New Orleans about the security 
situation and controlling crime in the Big Easy...

We'll also check in with the Army Corps on the rebuilding of the levees, where 
that stands and can they withstand the coming of Rita...

In the back half we'll get examine the big picture question of "Is the city 
ready to be opened"?  with Michael Livier, Louisiana's Secretary of Economic 
Development, Historian Douglas Brinkley, WWL radio's David Cohen and Stephen 
Perry, the president of the New Orleans Convention and Visitors Bureau...

Please join us...

Dominic Bellone wrote, compiled and edited The Hardball Briefing from 
Washington, DC

Mayor halts planned reopening of New Orleans...Nagin says threat posed by 
Tropical Storm Rita forced him to reconsider (AP) 

Faulting Bush, Clinton offers sharp criticism of hurricane relief efforts (NY 
Times) http://www.iht.com/articles/2005/09/19/news/clint.php

Former President Bill Clinton on Sunday morning said his wife, Sen. Hillary 
Rodham Clinton of New York, should not pledge to serve another full six-year 
term in her campaign for re-election. (Sun Sentinel) 

Two Democrats who might seek the White House again in 2008 criticized President 
Bush for his response to the devastation of Hurricane Katrina, assailing the 
suspension of wage laws while urging a concerted effort to aid the poor. (AP) 

Entire Florida Keys evacuated as Rita closes in...Thousands forced to clear 
out; Louisiana coast could be targeted as well (MSNBC) 

Hurricane Katrina swamped President Bush's second-term domestic agenda, 
reordering his priorities and changing the political landscape. (AP) 

Cheney Opposed Hurricane Czar (Time Mag) 

Iraqis claim British forces broke into Basra jail...Alleged undercover 
commandos had been accused of shooting Iraqi police (MSNBC) 

Saddam's nephew jailed for funding insurgency...First court verdict against 
family member of ousted Iraqi leader (MSNBC) 

Insurgents kill member of Iraqi parliament
Kurdish lawmaker slain after deadly car bombing; 20 bodies found in Tigris (AP) 

The Body Count is back: Who is winning the war in Iraq?...U.S. forces say body 
counts prove success, despite recent spate of attacks (The Washington Post) 
Key figure in Abu Ghraib case to fight charges...Lynndie England abandoning 
earlier courtroom strategy (AP) http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/9401437/


Stephen Moore: The GOP's New Deal...The bill for Katrina may fall due next 
November. http://www.opinionjournal.com/editorial/feature.html?id=110007278

Pat: Recycled liberal clichés at the United Nations? 

Doonesbury http://www.ucomics.com/doonesbury/

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