            The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC
Tough talk from President Bush today in Washington.  The president vows once 
again to veto any Iraq bill with a timetable for troop withdrawal, a promise 
that comes just one day after Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) 
announced he'll push to stop war funding if Bush doesn't set an end date for 
Iraq combat.  And with most of the first quarter dollars counted, the '08 
contenders and their cash crowd the campaign trail in Iowa and New Hampshire.  
Plus, an interview with Sen. John Kerry (D-MA) and Teresa Heinz Kerry on their 
new book, "This Moment on Earth."  That's all tonight on Hardball.

Our reporters in the field, NBC's Chip Reid and the Washington Post's Anne 
Kornblut, have been following candidates all day in Iowa and New Hampshire. 
They'll be here with the scoop, joined by Mike Allen from Politico.com.  But 
first, we'll get the full report on the president's address this morning from 
Hardball's David Shuster.  MSNBC's Pat Buchanan and Hardball Political Analyst 
Bob Shrum will also be here to duke out all the issues on Iraq, Iran and '08.

Then, Rep. Charlie Rangel (D-NY), Chairman of the House Ways and Mean Committee 
and author of the new book "And I Haven't Had a Bad Day Since," will tell us 
more about the ongoing battle between Congress and the president over Iraq and 
his thoughts on how the race for the White House is shaping up. 

And while his contemporaries raked in millions in the first quarter, 
presidential candidate and former Wisconsin Gov. Tommy Thompson (R) is counting 
in thousands.  He'll tell us why he's still the "reliable conservative" in the 
field and his plans - including weekly visits to Iowa - for sticking it out.

For the latest on all of today's political news, go to the best political 
website www.politics.msnbc.com, powered by NBC News and the National Journal.  
Don't forget to check out NBC's "First Read" http://firstread.msnbc.msn.com/ 
and MSNBC.com's political calendar http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/14708421/.

Shelby Poduch compiled the "Hardball Briefing" from Washington, D.C.




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