            The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

First up - can President Obama fix the economy?

Tonight we'll discuss the ailing economy and the prospects for recovery with 
CNBC's Jim Cramer and University of Maryland economist Dr. Peter Morici.

For the latest on the economy:  

Next, are Republicans are using a page out of Newt Gingrich's 1994 playbook to 
combat the Democrats? DNC communications dir. Karen Finney and former Gingrich 
Press Sec. Tony Blankley will give you their takes.

For more on this strategy: 
Plus, will the governors take the stimulus money or not? Some GOP governors 
appear reluctant to accept the money from the federal government, yet others 
welcome the funds with open arms. We'll bring you the latest with Gov. Ed 
Rendell (D-PA).

See this for more: http://www.nytimes.com/2009/02/23/us/politics/23govs.html

And in the Politics Fix - we'll discuss the politics of President Obama's 
economic recovery plan with Newsweek's Howard Fineman and the Washington Post's 
Eugene Robinson.

In the Hardball Sideshow, which GOP governors are looking to 2012? We'll bring 
you some hints - don't miss it!

For the latest on all of today's political news, go to the best political 
website www.politics.msnbc.com, powered by NBC News and the National Journal. 
And, don't forget to check out NBC's "First Read" and MSNBC.com's Hardblogger.

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