            The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

First up - V.P vs. V.P!

Vice President Joe Biden took a shot at his predecessor this week, saying that 
Dick Cheney is "dead wrong" in his criticism of the Obama administration. Was 
this a smart move? We'll bring you the latest in this war of words with Salon's 
Joan Walsh and David Rivkin, former George H.W .Bush Justice Dept. official.

For more info: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0409/20999.html

Next up - America the Godless? As fewer Americans consider themselves 
Christian, what will this shift mean for the political landscape? We'll ask 
Vanity Fair columnist Chris Hitchens and the Family Research Council's Ken 
Blackwell to debate that one.  

For more: http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20090408/us_nm/us_gaymarriage_vermont_6  

In the Hardball Sideshow - a very frank exchange involving Rep. Barney Frank 
(D-MA). We'll bring you the video - you don't want to miss this! 

And are we facing a comeback of the culture wars? Vermont, Iowa and D.C. have 
all taken recent steps to legalize gay marriage. Have we reached the cultural 
tipping point? Is this debate about equality or morality? We'll ask Salon's 
Joan Walsh and Joe Solmonese, President of Human Rights Campaign, to give us 
their takes. 

For more: http://www.newsweek.com/id/192583

In the Politics Fix - welcome back President Obama! We'll take a look back at 
the President's overseas trip with USA Today's Susan Page and the Washington 
Post's Perry Bacon.

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