            The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

First up - Open Seat on the Way. 

With news of Supreme Court Justice David Souter's plans to retire, President 
Obama can add the job of appointing a replacement to his plate. Who's on the 
short-list and will the appointment process wind up stirring some of those old 
culture-war battles like abortion and gun rights? We'll talk about the politics 
of the appointment tonight with MSNBC political analyst Pat Buchanan and Sen. 
Ben Cardin (D-MD). 

For more: http://www.usnews.com/usnews/politics/bulletin/bulletin_090501.htm

Plus, how much of a role will identity politics play in the President's 
appointment? Will he feel the pressure to choose a woman? A Hispanic? 
Syndicated columnist, Ruben Navarette and the President of NOW, Kim Gandy, will 
join us to debate who the President's appointment should appease. 

For more: 

And sure, Sen. Specter's move to the Democratic party shook things up in the 
G.O.P., but what kind of effect is it having on Pennsylvania politics? That's 
what we'll ask Pennslyvania Congressman Joe Sestak (D-PA), who'd considered 
running against then-Republican-Specter in 2010. 

For more: 

Next up - we'll talk about Sarah Palin's appearance on TLC's "American Chopper" 
with Mother Jones' David Corn and Voto Latino's Maria Teresa Petersen in the 
Politics Fix. 

For more: 

And we've got a Hardball award to give to a mayor with moxie! We'll tell you 
who it is in tonight's Hardball Sideshow. 

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