            The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

First up- it's day 50 of the oil spill. 

Last night, President Obama expressed his frustration using some salty language 
in an interview for "The Today Show". The President has come under fire for not 
showing enough emotion during the crisis, but in his interview with Matt Lauer, 
he pushed back on those charges. Clearly, the criticism has been getting to 
him. We'll talk to Rep. Charlie Melancon (D-La.) and Julian MacQueen, founder 
and CEO of Innisfree Hotels, to get the latest report on the situation in the 

Plus, it's a big primary day today, and no one seems to know how it will turn 
out. Voters go to the polls in 12 states, and we may learn whether the tea 
party will actually cost Republicans elections that they could otherwise win. 

Also, President Obama may have good reason to be angry. Another oil plume has 
been discovered underwater off the coast of Florida. The cap is supposedly 
capturing 11,000, but neither BP nor the government has an exact figure of how 
much oil is in the ocean. Ed Overton, Professor of Environmental Science at 
LSU, and Oceanographer Philippe Cousteau will contribute to the discussion. 

Another story to watch tonight: Women in politics. 

Women have played starring roles leading up to tonight's primaries, including 
Arkansas Sen. Blanche Lincoln, and Nevada's Sue Lowden. Also, the Tea Party has 
made their voice heard through candidates like Sharron Angle, who is running 
against Lowden for the Nevada Senate seat. NBC News Chief White House 
Correspondent Chuck Todd, and Washington Post columnist Kathleen Parker will be 
joining us.  

Also, Super Tuesday:  David Corn of Mother Jones Magazine and MSNBC Political 
Analyst Pat Buchanan will be joining us for late night coverage of the 
primaries. We'll be live at seven o'clock Eastern time, and then we'll be back 
again at midnight. Don't miss it!

Plus, the sleaziest race in the South - South Carolina GOP candidate Nikki 
Haley has faced allegations of multiple infidelities now, and her supposed 
lovers are taking lie detector tests! Be sure to check out tonight's Sideshow. 

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