            The Hardball Briefing On MSNBC

Leading off tonight: it's day 56. 

It has now been eight weeks since the Deepwater Horizon rig exploded in the 
Gulf, and President Obama's reputation for handling a crisis has become 
collateral damage. He needs to demonstrate command and control. The President 
is in the Gulf region today and tomorrow, and is expected to make a speech to 
the nation tomorrow night. A much anticipated meeting with BP CEO Tony Hayward 
is scheduled for Wednesday. We'll go to NBC News Chief White House 
Correspondent and Political Director Chuck Todd and former President and CEO of 
Shell Oil John Hoffmeister for the latest on the political and environmental 
damage caused by the spill.

The one good thing that might come out of this tragedy is that Americans might 
finally admit that it's time to wean ourselves off our addiction to oil. But 
not everyone agrees. Former Senators Trent Lott (R-MS) and John Breaux (D-LA) 
will be joining us for a discussion on the future of offshore drilling in the 

Plus, the forgotten war: Afghanistan. NBC's Richard Engel was with American 
troops when they came under fire this weekend and filed an unforgettable 
report. War correspondent and author of the book "War", Sebastian Junger will 
be help us understand these scenes from the battle. 

Also, Roger Simon of Politico and Newsweek will be on set to talk about his 
recent interview with President Obama. MSNBC Political Analyst Howard Fineman 
will be joining in the discussion. 

Finally, a candid camera moment. We'll show you what happened when a couple of 
students working for a right-wing website ambushed a Democratic Congressman. 
Don't miss the Sideshow.

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