Wilderness pretty well describes where I am. I bought Knuth's "Sorting and
Searching" something like 25 years ago, when I was working on KFAM, and
never really understood what he was saying. This has been most helpful,
though I obviously remain in kindergarten. 

Though it does appear we progressed beyond the index file addressing a
"separate" flat file. I guess the nice part of that system was one could
read the data in the flat file, even after pointers became corrupt, AND if
the data was clean re-index it with a utility. I sometimes wish I had spent
that programming time on MUMPS, however, $15,000 for a compiler in 1978 $
was a great leap.      

Thanks for the lesson,


> -----Original Message-----
> From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:hardhats-
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Richard G. DAVIS
> Sent: Friday, April 15, 2005 10:22 AM
> To: hardhats-members@lists.sourceforge.net
> Subject: Re: [Hardhats-members] BIG NEWS re HealtheVet- St. Petersburg Tim

> 3.  Discussions about relational database systems that become focused on
> such base layer technologies as "B-trees" have wondered off the
> reservation
> and are blindly stumbling around in the wilderness.

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