Hope this works. This is a .jpg file of screen capture of CPRS. I also
determined that [TIU DOCUMENT DEFINITION EDIT] (my own menu creation) below
is "out of order" leading me to believe a permission (or key) is missing.

   1      OAA Clinical Trainee ... [XU-CLINICAL TRAINEE MENU]
   2      Person Class Edit [XU-PERSON CLASS EDIT]
   7      Deactivate a User [XUSERDEACT]
   8      TIU Maintenance Menu ... [TIU IRM MAINTENANCE MENU]
   10     Edit Document Definition [TIU DOCUMENT DEFINITION EDIT]
             **> Out of order:  tiu doc
   11     Document Parameter Edit [TIU DOCUMENT PARAMETER EDIT]



<<attachment: Template eidt.JPG>>

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