Aylesworth Marc A Ctr AFRL/IFSE wrote:
Perl has a datatype that is a hash and can be accessed by the bucket name
but it does not require distinct keys so that anything on the node would be
returned as a list or Vector like datatype.

The classic data structures reference book for perl is Tom Christiansen's "perl data structures cookbook".

My opinion:

The trouble with perl as a language is linked to one of its strengths - namely TMTOWTDI (or: There's More Than One Way To Do It).

This means that idioms keep coming up in perl, that people find hard to understand. So that code is often unreadable to others. This, together with the "line-noise" look of the code makes it hard to maintain later on by even the coder, let alone others.

At the other extreme, fortran code is quite rigid, easier on the eye, and thus far easier to maintain.

No, I am not advocating everyone move to fortran. All languages have their strengths and weakness. Choose the right tool for the job and the job will be easier, especially if you are aware of, and adjust for, the weaknesses.


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