or the inherent CACHETEMP is not filling up

----- Original Message -----
From: Steve Owen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Thursday, October 6, 2005 11:45 am
Subject: Re: [Hardhats-members] Newbie installation

> Newbie installationHmmmm, that error sure rings a bell...you might 
> check and make sure your CACHE.DAT file is not set as READ ONLY. 
> I've seen this happen before when the CACHE.DAT file is copied 
> from a CD to Disk Drive.
> http://www.stevenowen.com
>  ----- Original Message ----- 
>  From: steven mcphelan 
>  To: hardhats-members@lists.sourceforge.net 
>  Sent: Thursday, October 06, 2005 11:33 AM
>  Subject: Re: [Hardhats-members] Newbie installation
>  Did you search the documentation that comes with Cache for 
> <Disk>?  Right click the cube and select documentation.
>        <DISK> During an attempt to access a block in a file, the 
> request to the operating system failed. This failure may have 
> occurred because the disk is offline or because the actual size of 
> the file is less than the expected size. Check that the disk is 
> online. If it is, run Integrity on the global where the error 
> occurred. 
>  Giving simple directions to run Integrity and what to do with 
> the findings is not possible.
>  If you are just setting up for the first time, then I would 
> suggest you delete the cache.dat and a get a new copy from 
> wherever you got it in the first place.  If this is a system that 
> you absolutely must fix, then I would suggest you contact 
> Intersystems and see what they would charge to fix your Cache.dat. 
> We had a database corruption once.  Even though I am experienced 
> with fixing such things, it was more economical and much, much 
> safer to have Intersystems do it.  We sent then the Cache.dat.  
> They fixed it and returned it to us.  Of course, your system will 
> be down until you get it back.  This is the very reason that both 
> Intersystems and GT.M highly recommend that one set up journaling 
> and backups.  With those properly set up you can virtually 
> eliminate this type of problem.  The problem could still occur, 
> but then you would have the possibility of doing a restore and 
> dejournal to get your system back.  Since ours was a development 
> account, we had the occurrence because we were lazy like many 
> people and did not have journaling set up.  Even this protection 
> will not always save you.  If you get such a database problem and 
> do not know if for some time then your backups will also have this 
> database problem thus making it nearly impossible to perform 
> recovery as mentioned.
>  Note to all - do not use an OS or third party backup tool when 
> Cache is still running.  If you choose to do so, then you must 
> shut cache down prior to performing the OS level backup of the 
> Cache.dat.   Then it is safe to perform that backup without 
> corrupting the Cache.dat.
>    ----- Original Message ----- 
>    From: Michael Spraggins 
>    To: hardhats-members@lists.sourceforge.net 
>    Sent: Wednesday, October 05, 2005 10:39 AM
>    Subject: [Hardhats-members] Newbie installation
>    Using Cache install procedure via 
> http://openforum.worldvista.org/~forum/index.php?
>    I'm step# 31 and I recieve the following error when checking 
> compile status 
>    NEWMAC        Error:<DiskHard>NewMac+8^%SYSCONV 
>    Recompile     Error:<Diskhard>SrcLoop^%SYSCONV 
>    Any ideas/help would be gfreatly appreciated. 
>    Thanks 
>    Mike 

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