With the recent discussion on writing Java clients, I thought I would mention that in the upcomming release of OpenEMed (www.openemed.net), written completely in Java, we'll be releasing a client for GT.M. This makes OpenEMed a client of the GT.M platform. And of course, our next step after that is to work on getting OpenEMed to read the VistA data set directly.

Once we have OpenEMed integrated into the VistA platform, we'll be able to make VistA a federated service on the network a-la the Java platform.

Whether or not we use the higher level fileman functionality to read the VistA global space is yet to be determined, but so far I've accomplished what many seem to be asking for - a simple Java client that does straight reading/writing of the MUMPS global space.

I found quite a bit of difficulty in working with the RPC broker code due to the aforementioned reverse engineering problem. And, all of the source code distributed with the existing Delphi components has been unnecessarily complicated for what we've needed to do so far. The GT.M server side code I've written is pretty well self-documented, and can be downloaded from the OpenEMed CVS repository now (look in src/tools/gov/lanl/Database/GTM for OEMEDSRV.m).

Richard Schilling
Cognition Group, Inc.
Seattle, WA

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