I am not aware of such an effort, and I don't think you will be able to
create a credible back-of-the-cocktail-napkin estimate.

If you really want a credible estimate, I would suggest running the
source code through a reverse engineering tool to create a metric such
as the number of function points, the number of menu options or some
other measure such as the number of gleeznop brognicks.  Set up an agile
project such as Scrum and implement some part of the functionality end
to end.  After one or two Scrum cycles, estimate what part of the total
functionality you have implemented, and extrapolate.

This won't be a cheap estimate because it will take you perhaps two
months to go through the exercise.  But it will give you something you
can hang your hat on, and something that will give you a basis to track
project progress.

-- Bhaskar

On Mon, 2006-03-06 at 17:38 -0600, Joseph Puthooran wrote:
> Has anyone tried to estimate the work involved in redoing CPRS 
> for Linux - I mean complete with the RPC or else it does not 
> make sense. A wild guess without seriously looking under the 
> hood - I think something like 3-5 man years will be needed to 
> port it for freedom from Windows. But then if someone has 
> attempted it, or made a better estimate, and would be open to 
> working together, we could look at partnering. The other model 
> is an Open Source one. Anyone interested? 
> Joseph Puthooran 

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