On 3/8/06, Ismet Kursunoglu <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Kevin,
> On our CentOS (4.2) which is byte compatible with RHEL using yum I get
> this
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ yum search fwbuilder
> Searching Packages:
> Setting up repositories
> Reading repository metadata in from local files
> No Matches found
> On our Debian/Sarge systems I see that it is there
> [EMAIL PROTECTED]:~/log$ apt-cache search fwbuilder
> fwbuilder - Firewall administration tool GUI
> fwbuilder-bsd - Firewall Builder policy compiler(s) for BSD based
> firewalls
> fwbuilder-common - Firewall administration tool GUI (common files)
> fwbuilder-doc - Firewall administration tool GUI documentation
> fwbuilder-linux - Firewall Builder policy compiler(s) for Linux based
> firewalls
> libfwbuilder-dev - Firewall Builder API library development files
> libfwbuilder6 - Firewall Builder API library

Thanks Ismet.  It's good to hear from you.  I wonder how your practice
is going from time to time.

I have apt-get installed in my RH9.  But apparently I am not plugged
into the same download sources as you are, or it was include on your
distro to begin with.

> I guess you will need to get the source and create an rpm from that -
> as I recall the procedure is pretty simple with rpm. If you need you
> can check here http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RPM_Package_Manager
> This shows an example of building RPM packages from tar.gz source
> http://kwave.sourceforge.net/doc/en/building_rpm_from_targz.html using
> rpmbuild, which should be on your system.

Aren't I going to have all the same dependancy problems with compiling
as I do with installing?


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