Ownership of postings, like an open source applicaion itself automatically belongs to the author(s) - UNLESS the terms of usage on the Wiki state that all postings become property of the Wiki maintainer.

Perhaps a terms of use statement should be created for that Wiki.

The open source license used to disemminate the posting doesn't actually affect ownership - it signifies that the owner has guaranteed the posting can be distributed without compensating him/her.

The concepts of ownership and distribution licenses are oft confused :-)

And I wouldn't rely on Google or anyone else keeping a permanent archive either....

Richard Schilling

Bhaskar, KS wrote:
No, it doesn't.  But I was only speaking to the concern voiced in your
post that I replied to.

-- Bhaskar

On Thu, 2006-03-09 at 16:07 -0600, Dan wrote:

That really doesn't resolve the ownership issue though, does it?

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