> Ok, so I've patched hb-ft to allow setting load_flags.  Here's a
> branch:
> https://github.com/behdad/harfbuzz/commit/ce981bdc6f58f390af4bee575500ffc45a877ab6

Thanks!  Do you already have a patch for hb-view?

> However, now I see that you are mostly asking about rendering
> options...

Right now, I want to be able to make hb-view use the TrueType bytecode
engine.  But I agree that controlling the rendering process itself
would be very helpful, too.

> That needs some more work.

I presume that you are talking about the FreeType backend, right?
Most interesting would be to have a possibility to select the
rendering options on MS Windows, e.g., selecting ClearType...

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