ini dah susahnya nggak bisa bahasa inggris hiks........ 
nggak ngerti
mas minta file ekuilibrium toolsnya yaaaa

salam harmonis

Gerry <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 
Ini ada bahan yang menarik lagi:

Pillar of Lights Meditation
Adam-El David and Brian Grattan
Sit or lie down comfortably, with your spine straight and legs not
Inwardly look upward through the Crown Chakra to the Source. Visualize
it, feel it or simply intend that it is about 6 to 8 feet above the
It can perhaps be seen as a sphere of light or a 12 faceted white
Take three deep breaths in through your nose and out through your
mouth to center yourself.
Visualize the White Light flooding down through your Crown Chakra,
then into your neck, down into your shoulders and arms. Pouring
through your chest, and down your torso; into your buttocks, and your
thighs; then your calves, and down into your ankles. Into your toes
and the soles of your feet.
You feel energized and calm. Take three more deep breaths.

Archangel Metatron, Metatron, Metatron, come in please. Open, open,
open the very heart of the Source I AM. Open, open, open the very
heart of the Source Council of Twelve I AM. Open, open, open the very
heart of the Oversoul Body of Light I AM. Mahatma, Mahatma, Mahatma I
AM. Archangelic Kingdom of Light I AM. Open, open, open and ignite,
ignite, ignite the Pillar of Lights I AM.
Lord Maitreya Buddha, Maitreya Buddha, Maitreya Buddha come in please.
Surrounding us NOW in a six-foot in diameter living liquid Golden
White Crystal sphere of the Consciousness of the Source I AM and
sealing it NOW that only Love and Light may pass through. Bringing all
polarities within this sphere into a state of union/fusion.
Lord Kuthumi, Kuthumi, Kuthumi, Office of the Christ, come in please.
Please open our heart chakras NOW. Placing within them 5th, 6th and
7th dimensional Rose Pink Crystal Hearts of your Unconditional Love
and Deep Compassion. Ignite, ignite, ignite the Light I AM.
Lord Melchizedek, Melchizedek, Melchizedek, come in please. Open,
open, open the very heart and Councils of 12 of the Universal Level of
pure Beingness I AM.
Lord Melchior, Melchior, Melchior, come in please Open, open, open the
very heart and Councils of 12 of the Galactic Level of Pure Beingness
Lord Helios, Helios, Helios, and Lady Vesta, Vesta, Vesta, come in
please. Open, open, open the very heart and Councils of 12 of the
Solar Christ Conscious Level of pure Beingness I AM. And ignite,
ignite, ignite the Pillar of Lights I AM.
Metatron, Metatron, Metatron, open, open, open ourCrown Chakras NOW as
One please. Releasing NOW from the very Heart of the Source I AM a
Trinitized River of living, liquid crystal light. Brilliant Diamond
White Light of the Source I AM; Brilliant Aqua-Blue Diamond Light of
the Divine Feminine I AM; and Brilliant Golden Yellow Diamond Light of
the Divine Masculine I AM. Three as One, NOW pouring in through the
Crown Chakra into all cells of the brain, into the mid-brain
hypothalamus, receptor of light; into the 12 major cranial nerves down
into the medulla oblongata brain stem; and down into the
electromagnetic spinal cord and flowing out into the entire central,
peripheral and autonomic nervous systems of the body NOW; touching
deeply into every gland, every organ, every body system; every cell
NOW receiving the Trinitized Presence of the Source I AM.
Archangel Ratziel, Ratziel, Ratziel, come in please. Open, open, open
our Pituitary and Pineal Chakras and ignite, ignite, ignite the
Antakarana Rainbow Bridge of Light, connecting the two and all that is
above to all that is below I AM.
Lord Sanat Kumara, Sanat Kumara, Sanat Kumara, come in please. Open,
open, open our Occipital Medulla Chakras, and ignite, ignite, ignite
the Light I AM.
Lord Gautama Buddha, Gautama Buddha, Gautama Buddha, Lord of the
Earth, come in please. Open, open, open the Throat Chakra, and ignite,
ignite, ignite the Pillar of Lights, I AM.
Archangel Khamael, Khamael, Khamael, Lord of the Heart Chakra, come in
please and the four Archangels of the Golden Pyramid of Lights I AM
come in please.
Taking 3 very deep breaths, we NOW pass into the Heart Chakra, into
your Sacred Temple of your own creation. Be it Greek, Atlantean,
Egyptian, Tibetan, Mayan, or whatever form you choose. See the temple,
be it a sphere, a crystal cavern, a pyramid or a cube of space. See
the temple pillars and walls with all the sacred statues and altars of
the members of your special Spiritual Family of the Stars. You are the
Starseed, and it is time for the Sleepers to awaken. So within this
temple of your own creation, see yourself seated upon a golden throne,
encrusted, perhaps, with faces and sacred jewels, and see your naked,
golden, innocent body resting comfortably upon this Golden Throne of
vibrant, living Light. Across the temple in front of you on the
opposing wall, see a fireplace of your own choosing. Ignite, ignite,
ignite it with your Sacred Breath, NOW and see emanating from the
fireplace a Living, Cosmic Fire with all of the 12 rays easily
visible. Bask in the radiation of the 12, your Council of 12. Place
upon your feet, as your now bend down seated upon the throne, Golden
Sandals encrusted with precious stones of your own choosing. Place
upon your Sacred Body, Golden Robes and above the left breast on the
robe, see your sacred name in golden letters of flame and acknowledge
yourself as the I AM. Place in your right hand now a golden orb of
your spiritual authority, surmounted by a sacred symbol of your
choice, be it an equal-armed cross, a six pointed star, a five pointed
star, or whatever symbol suits you and ignite, ignite, ignite the
Light I AM. In your left hand place your symbol of power as a Co-
Creator be it a shepherd's crook, a royal flail, a magician's staff or
a crystal wand and please place where you will the multi-colored
crystals representing the Council of Twelve. See the descending Pillar
of Light from Source I AM NOW placing upon your head a golden crown of
your own choosing encrusted with 12 diamonds. This is the symbol of
your Divinity. Now, as you breathe deeply three times, inhaling
through your nose and exhaling through your mouth, bring the throne to
life and to a new level of vibration.
See Khamael standing within your body (Crown to Base Chakra) in a
pillar of living crystal flame of brilliant Rose/Pink.
And before you, to the left, we now call in Archangel Michael,
Michael, Michael, come in please, in your pillar of living crystal
flame of Royal Blue and ignite, ignite, ignite the Light I AM and
welcome. Clothe us with your silver armor and the spiritual protection
that we require at this time.
Looking before you to the right, we invoke Archangel Raphael, Raphael,
Raphael, come in please, in your pillar of living crystal flame of
Yellow/Orange and ignite, ignite, ignite the Light I AM and welcome.
Please invest our consciousness with the Higher Mind of the Sophia,
the Divine Wisdom.
Behind us to the right, we call in Archangel Gabriel, Gabriel,
Gabriel, come in please, in your pillar of living crystal flame of
scarlet red and ignite, ignite, ignite the Light I AM and welcome.
Blow your sacred crystal trumpet and begin the Etheric Ascension and
the decension of the Mahatma with the whole cellular activation. When
this is complete, begin the Spiritual Ascension and integration of the
Body of Light, which will follow in its proper time.
Behind us to the left, Archangel Auriel, Auriel, Auriel, come in
please, in your pillar of living crystal flame of Blue-Violet and
ignite, ignite, ignite the Light I AM and welcome. And Auriel,
mistress of the veils, begin NOW to take down all the veils that have
shielded our spiritual powers and awareness for so long. And So Be It.
Open, open, open solar plexus chakra; open, open, open sexual/Co-
Creator chakra and ignite, ignite, ignite the Pillar of Lights I AM.
Archangel Sandalphon, Sandalphon, Sandalphon, come in please. Open,
open, open the Base Root Chakra and open, open, open the very Heart of
the Mother of the Earth I AM.
Lady Gaia, Gaia, Gaia, come in please. Rising up through the breath
into the Base Root Chakra through the Central Pillar up onto the
Golden Throne of the Heart Chakra I AM. Embrace, embrace, embrace and
ignite, ignite, ignite the Pillar of Lights I AM.
Metatron, anchor the Pillar of Lights into the very Heart of the
Source I AM. Sandalphon, anchor the Pillar of Lights into the very
Heart of the Earth I AM. Khamael, anchor the Pillar of Lights in ever
succeeding and expanding spheres of Rose Pink Crystal Light into the
Source/Cosmic Heart I AM. And Ignite, ignite, ignite the Triple Flame
of Source, within our hearts, of our pure Beingness I AM.
So Be It, So Mote It Be.

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** In this age of Aquarius, science will become religious, and religion will 
become scientific. Disagreements between science and religion will come to an 
end, and people will begin to comprehend that both spirit and matter are 
derived from the same source, and are only modifications of the One Universal 
Energy **

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