Rodrigo Kumpera wrote:
Last time I checked, no one, nether me or you, is developing code agains the TCK, but to a real JVM. And as hard as we may try, sometimes we end with software that depends on unspecified behavior. So it's better try to be "bug compatible" too.

If you end up with software that depends on unspecified behaviour, then it is either

a) your deliberate decision, then you probably have a very, very good reason to tie yourself to the particular revision of the particular platform, or

b) an accidental mistake, then you fix the small bug in your code, feel better about the quality of your code, and move on.

Neither a nor b requires anyone to be "bug compatible" as a) is not a bug in anyone's code, and b) is something you'll want to fix in your code, if you care about the quality of your code, rather then working around your bugs in everyone's class library code, and breaking other people's applications.

Regarding usage of implementation specific classes, I believe that most developers using the Java programming language are familar with the warnings not to use implementation-specific classes or to rely on their behaviour, names, presence or anything esle.

dalibor topic

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