On Mon, Feb 13, 2006 at 11:01:57AM -0500, Geir Magnusson Jr wrote:
> We need one.
> I assume we'd want to do something like the launcher that invokes the VM 
> and then just executes the eclipse compiler.  However, now that I've 
> typed this, it sounds awfully slow....  I guess we'll see.  Would be 
> nice to have something....
> Volunteers or comments?

I am not sure what the status is wrt to including EPLd/CPLd components.
Can we distribute them? Depend on them? 

If no, then we should just write a compiler. I've recently come accross
fjavac, an interesting little Java compiler project that uses O'caml and
looks like fun. From the web page:

"Our long term goal is to produce a complete and formal specification of
Java compilation. To be complete, all language features and rules that
are informally described in Sun's Java language specification will be
included. To be formal, the specification will be written in a
machine-checkable language of a logical framework (Twelf), using only
axioms and inference rules. Fjava is written in a functional style to
make such a formalization possible."

see http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~stse/javac/ for details. I have no idea
what the source code license it, though. But if we are writing compilers
from scratch, then a ML dialect would be a pretty nice implementation 
language choice. See
http://www.cs.princeton.edu/~appel/papers/cmljava.html for details.

dalibor topic

> geir

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