
It is great you are spending time on gnuclasspathadapter.  As you have
discovered, there is a lot of work remaining to be done.  It would be
really good if you can document the problems you had in when following
my directions.

How much time will you be able to work on gnuclasspathadapter?  It
would be good to know so that we can figure out how to split the
project efficiently.

I gave up on specJVM98 for now because JCHEVM/SableVM eagerly resolves
classes.  It keeps trying to pull in a bunch of specJVM98 AWT classes.
I tried hacking awt out of specJVM98 source code but it got way too

My current plan is to try to get Mauve's gnu/testlet/java/io/File test
to run.   I hope to post mods to the native methods that are needed to
support gnu/testlet/java/io/File fairly soon.

On 5/14/06, Ivan Volosyuk <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Sure, if I have some outstanding results I'll share it. As for now...

It was quite challenging to run "hello world" using glue layer from Harmony-318.
Some changes was made to the classes layout, patched classes are a bit outdated.
I didn't found libvmi.so for jchevm, so I've taken modified version from drlvm.
There is no documentation about HyVMLSFunctionTable functions used by

I was also thinking of stealing pieces of DRLVM.  I started this
project before DRLVM had been donated.  Thus there were no pieces to
steal.  But now things have changed.  Thus time to reassess how to
move forward.

harmony classlib, and it is used quite strange way. Helpfully, Weldon
has commented out its usage.

Interesting.  Do you really mean, "helpfully"?  Perhaps you mean, "hopefully"??

Hello world passed, by specjvm98 _200_check gives me:
java.lang.ClassFormatError: invalid interface access flags 0x0201
(for spec/harness/BenchmarkDone and spec/harness/SpecBenchmark)
The same is reproducible on jchevm with classpath.

When comment out this too stict check:
on classpath it works.
on harmony classes adapter there is a fatal error, which is strange:
 spec.benchmarks._200_check.Main does not implement the SpecBenchmark interface

Eclipse on jchevm with classpath throw following (didn't spent much
time investigating):
Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException
  at java.lang.VMThrowable.fillInStackTrace (VMThrowable.java)
  at java.lang.Throwable.fillInStackTrace (Throwable.java:498)
  at java.lang.Throwable.<init> (Throwable.java:159)
  at java.lang.Exception.<init> (Exception.java:78)
  at java.lang.RuntimeException.<init> (RuntimeException.java:76)
  at java.lang.NullPointerException.<init> (NullPointerException.java:80)
  at org.eclipse.ui.internal.WorkbenchPage.restoreState
  at org.eclipse.ui.internal.WorkbenchWindow.restoreState
  at org.eclipse.ui.internal.Workbench.doRestoreState (Workbench.java:2566)
  at org.eclipse.ui.internal.Workbench.access$14 (Workbench.java:2515)
  at org.eclipse.ui.internal.Workbench$19.run (Workbench.java:1514)
  at org.eclipse.ui.internal.Workbench$16.run (Workbench.java:1263)
  at org.eclipse.jface.operation.ModalContext.runInCurrentThread

activePerspective is null, the roots of the null reference is
difficult to track down at first glance.

2006/5/14, Geir Magnusson Jr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Ivan Volosyuk wrote:
> > I have recently built jchevm and tried to run eclipse with it. When
> > loading a error window appeared. It looks like a bug or unimplemented
> > functionality.
> >
> > I have taken a look at list of loaded native libraries. It looks
> > classpath is used for system classes instead of harmony classlib. I
> > remember, there was some discussion about porting jchevm to harmony
> > classlib, what is the status of this work? Harmony classes prooved to
> > work in drlvm. So I think once the porting is done it could be
> > possible to get eclipse working on jchevm soon.
> >
> There's work going on making a "glue layer" between any GNU
> Classpath-using VM and the Harmony Classlib.
> It's not complete yet.  Are you interested in helping?  We're always
> looking for new volunteers.
> geir
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