>A *real* unix hacker 
Two years of release engineering is more than enough: 

find . -name .svn -exec grep -H name {}/entries \; | sed -e
's/\.svn\/entries:   name="//; s/"$//' | egrep -i


With best regards,
Alexei Fedotov,
Intel Java & XML Engineering

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Geir Magnusson Jr. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Friday, October 20, 2006 8:52 PM
>To: harmony-dev@incubator.apache.org
>Subject: Re: [general] Incubator graduation update
>Mark Hindess wrote:
>> On 20 October 2006 at 10:11, "Geir Magnusson Jr." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>> Mark Hindess wrote:
>>>> On 20 October 2006 at 9:31, Tim Ellison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>>> FWIW:  Below are the results of running RAT on a windows snapshot.
>>>>> For some reason it complained about lack of ASF block comments in
>>>>> DLLs, and proceeded to dump them to the console, so I chopped them
>>>>> of the report.  Looks like mainly missing block comments in emconf
>>>>> files.
>>>>> I suspect that it will be helpful to do this on an HDK snapshot,
>>>>> on a source drop (that we don't produce at present, but should
>>>> I'm looking at modifying the federation build to have a source drop
>>>> target.  It looks like doing:
>>>>   svn export . target/src
>>>> and modifying the build.xml to cope with the lack of svn files
>>>> be a good start.  I'll probably take a little more work but I'll
>>>> something checked in so we have something to work with.
>>> Wait.
>> I don't think I have much choice.  It's more likely you'll be waiting
>> for me. ;-) It's not as trivial as it sounds[0] so I'm sure this
>> discussion will be done before I'm ready to check anything in. ;-(
>>> Why not just do a tar/zip on the working_classlib and working_vm
>>> a filter to keep out the generated stuff?
>> This was my first thought but it didn't take long before I decided I
>> to think again.  I think it is much too error prone.  Consider
>> out which .so files are generated/downloaded and which are in svn.
>> Repeat for dll files, jar files, etc.  Then keep this up to date.
>> be a full-time job.
>A *real* unix hacker would walk the tree looking at .svn/entry files ;)
>  In Perl.  in less than 20 lines.
>> svn export does just the right thing.  It takes only the stuff you
>> from svn but without the .svn files.  This seems much less likely to
>> turn around and bite us.  (Though even this isn't without issues.)
>> Regards,
>>  Mark.
>> [0] not as trivial as I was expecting that's for sure
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