I see and accept your point. I believe that partial commits are a must -
we should be a community.

My point is simple - the code under active development shouldn't be a
subject of beautification - it just should be safe for other Harmony
modules. The first goal is to make it work. 

With best regards,
Alexei Fedotov,
Intel Java & XML Engineering

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Alex Blewitt [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Saturday, October 21, 2006 3:06 AM
>Subject: Re: Thoughtless fixes considered harmful Was: [OT] Automated
>considered harmful
>On 20/10/06, Fedotov, Alexei A <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> I agree that if a part of the code is kept for purpose, automatic
>> can destroy it. From the other side, if we check your example, the
>> following commenting solves the problem.
>> >// int i;
>> >// i=someMethod() TODO Fix the bug in someMethod()
>This was a contrived example; the point is, I might be submitting a
>checkpoint for the work that I'm doing, and have put the var in there
>for a good purpose. For example, it might be a field of a class that
>has been put together by design/necessity, even if it's not being used
>as of the checkpoint that you're looking at.
>As an obvious case, there are some fields that are defined in the
>pack200 class that aren't used yet, mostly because I haven't got
>around to the parts in which those aspects are being parsed out.
>However, I put them in there as part of the analysis of what was
>needed, and I know that they will be used in the near future. There's
>no point having them commented out; in fact, whilst coding, I want to
>be able to use them via code assist.
>I shouldn't have to sanity check and defend against what others might
>do to the code. There's also a similar danger that someone would
>remove those comments :-)
>> I have even a stronger suggestion - we should remove the commented
>> leaving only a message for human beings.
>Indeed, that's the big problem. I'm working on that set of code -- it
>shouldn't be deleted. It's a work-in-progress. Deleting it and leaving
>a message "Your Code Was Here" is counterproductive.
>> I suggest that we better save the time for many readers instead of
>> time of one lazy writer. I'm ok with leaving a human readable message
>> a place of a bug or exceptional behavior. For example, in our case I
>> would write:
>> >// TODO someMethod() behaves weirdly in case of
>> >// Fix the behavior.
>So, you'd prefer it if I didn't submit code which wasn't 100%
>complete? I'm fine with that ... but it'll be a long time before I
>complete the spec -- and if someone in the meantime removes some of
>the fields that I haven't yet parsed, it will still break when I
>update (or any of my further changes are committed).
>A warning does *not* indicate laziness. Nor does wanting to submit
>smaller regular patches of incomplete work for others to look at or
>improve. However, improvement doesn't include deleting code that
>people are still working on.

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