Gregory wrote,
>I need is probably smoke tests category. I need to add building native
>part and add a custom command line setting somewhere.

I believe you need one or two test with a good coverage to check your
changes regularly. This is enough for acceptance testing. 

This doesn't inhibit the separate category - it would be quite useful
for thorough testing. But from my perspective this is not the first
thing to do. 

With best regards,
Alexei Fedotov,
Intel Java & XML Engineering

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Gregory Shimansky [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Monday, October 30, 2006 11:25 PM
>Subject: [drlvm][jvmti][testing] I want to add JVMTI tests to drlvm
>JVMTI implementation is quite a big piece of drlvm code which doesn't
>tests that are ran regularly. This may create regressions in JVMTI
>implementation which won't be caught early. So I want to add several
>tests for JVMTI which would cover most of the currently implemented
>The specific of such tests is that they have to have a custom command
>specify -agentlib:<agent name> library. They also require to build
>code. They need to be run in default (JIT) mode and on interpreter.
>Current tests which we have for commit checks for drlvm don't have
>features out of the box. Cunit tests build native code, but don't run
>executable. Smoke and kernel tests don't have native code and don't
have a
>custom command line.
>So I should either create a new 4th category for tests with custom
>or extend one of the current categories which we have. The most close
>I need is probably smoke tests category. I need to add building native
>part and add a custom command line setting somewhere.
>Or do you think I should go with completely new tests category?
>Gregory Shimansky, Intel Middleware Products Division

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