The example is quite interesting. But the idea of selling comment space
for advertising really rocks! :-)

With best regards,
Alexei Fedotov,
Intel Java & XML Engineering

>-----Original Message-----
>From: Etienne Gagnon [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>Sent: Wednesday, November 01, 2006 2:25 AM
>Subject: Re: [classlib] Preprocessor - CHECKPOINT
>Tim Ellison wrote:
>> IMO it's not ideal that the preprocessed source still contains all
>> streams, albeit in comments.  It wouldn't make the source very
>> 'consumable' to the Mrs. SE or ME developer.
>Hmmm...  It's always possible to have a special output mode that puts
>empty (or advertizing, hehe) comments, instead of other stream code
>(thus, preserving line numbers).
>To continue on my earlier example:
>Java source => "j2se end-developer"
>//  Download Harmony[tm] from
>//  http://the.nice.harmony.url/download
>//  :-)
>  @Processor(Not in j2me!)
>  int some_field =
>    some +
>      initializing()
>        code;
>Or, more likely:
>Java source => "j2se end-developer"
>//  Please  ignore this comment.  It has been
>//  intentionally left here to preserve line numbers
>//  for bug reporting purpose.
>//  Please report bugs to http://bugs.of.harmony.url/...
>  @Processor(Not in j2me!)
>  int some_field =
>    some +
>      initializing()
>        code;
>So, J2ME & J2SE end-developers are kept happy.
>As a bonu$, you can al$o $tart a nice busine$$ $elling advertizing
>in $ource code.  ;-P
>Etienne M. Gagnon, Ph.D.  

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