Etienne Gagnon wrote:
OK.  My latest proposal (a few messages ago) was assuming that the
nursery was empty when the "end of epoch collection" is launched.

If it is not, you can do 2 things:

a) do a minor collection to empty it, or

b) i  - use a finalization-like list of references to class loader
   ii - launch gc, which might mark a previously unmarked vtable
   iii- do a finalization-like rescuing for resuscitated class loaders

"b)" should really have a minimal performance impact.  As for its
"apparent complexity", I would say that this is a non-issue; similar
code must already exist in drlvm for implementing finalization.

Just for clarification: "b)" implies a combined "nursery + mature space"

Actually, for the mature space part, you could get away with a smaller
collection if you premature all class loaders and classes to a specific
mature space area; the you only need to collect that space (in addition
to the nursery).


This sounds rather 'stop the world' - while the barrier is more complicated I think it scales to concurrent collectors.

Also, don't forget an instance of a class in the nursery can pass a reference to its classloader to a mature-space object under suitably bizarre circumstances. I guess you could have a write barrier on the class metadata space ...

... an XOR barrier could actually be an interesting solution ... but I'm sure it won't be necessary.

Robin Garner
Dept. of Computer Science
Australian National University

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