Dear everyone,

In the past several days I have been getting a lot of messages from people 
asking for updates on Marcia.  Marcia is undergoing a very intense physical 
therapy and is doing quite well with it.  At the same time she is also 
undergoing radiation treatment for her cancer.  She is very tired, but her 
sense of humor is back and she is cracking all her nurses up. She will be 
discharged from the National Rehabilitation Ctr in Washington DC on May 20 
(this Thursday) and will go to CA to stay with family and undergo further 
intense treatment for her cancer.  Her overall prognosis is not available 
yet, and it is unclear how long she will stay in CA.  There is no 
information yet on her address there.  I will be happy to pass it along as 
soon as I know myself.

I know that Marcia is very grateful for all the support she has been 
getting, and would want to thank everyone herself.  She has been getting 
many phone calls, cards, and even visits from her colleagues at 
hasafran.  I pray that she will be able to thank everyone in person next 
year at AJL.  In mean time thank you kindly for all the support you have 
shown, and please keep it up, she is not out of the woods yet.



Yelena Luckert
Humanities Team
University of Maryland Libraries
College Park, MD 20742
Voice:  301-405-9365
Fax:    301-314-2795

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