I second what Hanna Geshelin states about frum Jews and library patronage. 
I will not add significantly to her remarks, (since she thoroughly covers 
the situation) but just note these observations from my eight years of 
personal experience as a librarian in the Brookline Public Library:

A large percentage of the modern and haredi (if I must label) community did 
frequent the library with their children. Many parents from both these 
groups expressed concern with the quality of children's and young adult 
literature and felt that they had to read (or thoroughly preview) a book 
before allowing their children to read it which, of course, takes a lot of 
time when everyone is so busy nowadays.
The library did have about a couple strictly frum books which were heavily 
There are a handful of a families that no longer go to the library because 
most of the material is shund ("literary trash").

Shavua tov,
Leah Schechter Bennett
Jewish Theological Seminary

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