Don't miss the early bird special that expires on November 1. Please tell 
your patrons and friends!

Seventh Annual Jewish Children's Book Writers' Conference
Sunday, November 20, 2005, 9 AM to 5 PM
92nd Street Y, 1395 Lexington Avenue, New York, NY
$80 before November 1, $95 after November 1
Fee includes kosher breakfast and lunch

The 92nd Street Y Buttenwieser Library and the Jewish Book Council are 
cosponsoring the Seventh Annual Jewish Children's Book Writers' Conference 
at the 92nd Street Y in Manhattan on Sunday, November 20, 2005, from 9:00 
am to 5:00 p.m.

Featured speakers are editor-in-chief Regina Griffin of Holiday House, 
editor Jodi Kreitzman Keller of Delacorte Press, marketing and sales 
director Michael J. Miller of Pitspopany Press, publicist Susan Salzman 
Raab of Raab Associates, literary agent Rebecca Sherman of Writers House, 
and production editor Aviva Werner of BabagaNewz magazine.

Author Michelle Edwards, winner of a National Jewish Book Award, will give 
opening remarks, and the day will include the popular "Query Letter Clinic 
and First Pages" with the editors (along with Scott Blumenthal of Behrman 
House, Nancy Conescu of Little Brown, Judye Groner of Kar-Ben Publishing, 
and Rena Potok of Jewish Publication Society), sessions on Sippurim: Israel 
Books for Kids, "Israel Beyond the Headlines" with Israeli author Anna 
Levine, the Association of Jewish Libraries' Sydney Taylor Manuscript 
Competition, and door prizes.

The registration form is available for download at Call 212-415-5544 
or e-mail [EMAIL PROTECTED] for additional information or to request the form 
by mail. The final registration deadline is November 14. The conference 
filled up quickly last year, so register early.

If you write or illustrate children's books for the Jewish market, this 
conference is for you!

Shabbat shalom,

Anna Olswanger, Conference Coordinator
Anna Olswanger, Literary Agent
Liza Dawson Associates
240 W. 35th Street, Ste. 500
New York, NY 10001

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