Your Out-of-Print Children's Books "Wish List" for 2006

A reminder: The AJL Out-of-Print Books Task Force wants your 
Out-of-Print Children's Books "Wish List." Please give some thought 
to the children's books that you and your patrons have enjoyed over 
the past few years, but that are no longer in print (this means the 
publisher is no longer selling them to distributors, wholesalers, or 
bookstores and libraries).

In order to act on your request, we MUST have the following 
information with each book you request:

1. The full title of the book
2. The full name of the author
3. Indication if this is a hard cover or paperback version
4. The name of the publisher of the out-of-print version.
5. The year of the copyright notice inside the book.

Please send the above information directly to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Thank you.

Anna Olswanger, Chair
AJL Out-of-Print Books Task Force
Anna Olswanger, Literary Agent
Liza Dawson Associates
240 W. 35th Street, Ste. 500
New York, NY 10001

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