Dear all,

As I am not aware of those libraries that collect books in Romanian, 
on the Jewish community, I've decided to post on HaSafran.  This book 
- Evreimea Botosaneana (there is a "chupchik" under the "s" and a 
"u"-type symbol above the "A"s - if this makes a difference in the 
understanding of the word) is one large (584 pages), soft cover 
volume on the history, community and the people of the Jewish 
community.   It is published in Israel by the World Cultural 
Association of Jews from Romania (based in Israel).  The volume 
includes some photographs and documents. 59692 $48.00 + shipping.

Please be in touch. Wendy

Wendy Weiss Simon
Jerusalem Books, pob 26190
Jerusalem 91261, Israel
tel/fax 972-2-643-3580

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