Dear Friends,

In the field of research on Hassidut, the name Prof. Gedalia Nigal 
must always be mentioned.  And if you don't yet have – Sipurim 
Hasidi'im me-Lamberg-Lvov ( $54.00) you really should 
order it now.   However, R’ Yitzhak Alfasi, the known researcher and 
author has recently released two new books, ‘Hassidut b’Kol Dor 
va-Dor,’ and ‘Hikre Eretz Yisrael’.  Both books are published by 
Shem, Jerusalem 2006.

‘Hassidut b’Kol Dor va-Dor, stretches from the Baal Shem Tov and the 
Vilna Gaon to Rav Mendel of Vitebsk, who led others and emigrated to 
Israel (made aliya), in the late 18th  century. This work builds upon 
other works by the author such as his 4 volume set, The Encyclopedia 
of Hassidut (set #744,  each volume about $20.00) but stands tall in 
its important contribution to research in this field. The book 
chronicles the relations between European and pre-Israeli Hassidut. 
The final chapters of the book include research on women in Hassidut 
and the bibliographic origins of certain Hassidic works. Cat. #61423 
$20.00 (341 pages)

The second above mentioned book, ‘Hikre Eretz Yisrael,’ includes much 
history on Jews in Ottoman Palestine from the 17th century onward 
including an alphabetical listing of sages and biographies. The book 
includes chapters on the communities of Hebron and Tiberias as well 
as Tel Aviv and Religious Zionism. Cat #61424  $20.50 (373 pages).

Ahavat Shalom has published two books by R’ Eliyahu Rabinovich 
Teomim, aka the Aderet.  They are part of the multi-volume work, 
‘Otzar Kitve ha-Aderet.  The 2 books are:   Shlosha Sefarim Niftahim 
( 61657) (Har Ha-Moria, Ozne Yerushalayim and Yalkut David) 
and the second book, (Otzar…) Sefer Megillat Simanim (and) Teshuva 
Me-Yira ( 61656).

The first, ‘Otzar Kitve ha-Aderet – Shlosha Sefarim Niftahim   is on 
Halakha and the second book includes a glossary of Talmud 
abbreviations. The last book within a book, so to speak, is a play on 
words on its subject ‘Yira Li,’ by Rambam/Maimonides and was 
originally published in 1907. Both books are serious, scholarly 
works, with square print and extensive footnotes and contain much 
material first published now from manuscripts.

Regarding Holocaust research, history and memoirs, I would like to 
mention and recommend the recent work by former Knesset Speaker, Dov 
Shilansky,  Hashekhah le-'Or ha-Yom (Darkness Shrouded the 
Day)  published by Yad Vashem.  Cat. #60507 $21.00

Another holocaust memoir, this one self-published is Me-Hasho’ah el- 
Shahar Hadash,’ ‘From the Holocaust to a New Dawn,’ is by David 
Shahar, and is a first person chronicle of death and survival of 
Polish Jewry and the author’s new dawn in Israel including going from 
a refugee to fighter in the War of Independence. Cat. #61348 $40.00

In Hebrew Literature, along with a new novel and a new edition… such 
as Kameha, ‘Longing,’by  Judith Rotem  ( 61509 $24.00) and 
‘Shlosha Me-Hem,’ by Aharon Megged with language changes by the 
author ( 60904 $22.00) I would like to mention two important 
new books which involve literary critique and analysis of two major 
authors of Hebrew / Israeli Literature. The first is entitled: 
‘Yetzirah be-Yitzirah 'Asuyah,’ Creating from Creations,’ 
Inter-textuality in the Novels of Amos Oz, by Esther Azulay, 
published by Dani Sefaim, 2006 ( 61174 $22.00).   The second 
is Shmuel Thomas Huppert's ‘Kod-kod Esh,’ ‘Fire Crown – in the 
company of the Poet Uri Zvi Greenberg, isbn 965-407-690, published by 
Carmel 2006.  Cat. #61420 $19.00

Lastly, I would like to highlight a recent book published by Yad Ben 
Zvi, entitled, Holy Land Scenes, 1906. This book of photographs and 
text commemorates and revitalizes a photo book of pictures of 
Palestine made by the Imberger brothers, a Templar family who lived 
in the German Colony in Jerusalem a hundred years ago.

The book by Yoel Amir has text by Jacob Wahrman and an introduction 
by Prof. Haim Goren an expert on the History of Palestine and Israel.

It is a truly beautiful book which combines scholarship, history and 
restored photographic images which make the scenes come alive.  This 
book is in English and Hebrew. Cat. #61560 $31.00

Happy Thanksgiving,

Jeff Spitzer & all of us at

Jerusalem Books Ltd.

Jerusalem Books, pob 26190
Jerusalem 91261, Israel
tel/fax 972-2-643-3580

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