Dear Friends,

Since the recent resignation of the IDF chief, the Ramatkal, Gen. Dan 
Halutz, it is timely to mention that Israeli fiction writer Ram Oren 
has published a new book, entitled, “Ramatkal,’ the abbreviation for 
Chief of the General Staff of the Army. The book which reflects many 
trends and issues in modern Israeli life, touches upon power, 
ambition, politics, idealism and aging along with the military and 
political challenges faced by Israel in a complicated and dangerous 
middle east. Cat. # 62097 $24.00

(Ram Oren recently also released another book, ‘Yamin Adumin.’ Cat# 
61025 - a suspense novel based on a true story of love and war. )

In the book world, as in the film world, topics often come in two’s 
or even three’s. ‘Be-sodo shel Ariel <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns 
= "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:smarttags" />Sharon,’ is a 
biography of the former PM and general, written by his lifelong 
friend, confidant and loyalist. Uri Dan, a talented author and 
leading journalist wrote this chronicle of Sharon which is equally a 
history of Israel including some of the recent astounding steps such 
as the withdrawal from the Gaza strip. Publ. Miskal / Yediot, isbn 
965-482-394-2, Cat. 62315 $ 27.00

It is important to note that the book was also published, more or 
less simultaneously in English outside of Israel. Also another book, 
‘Sharon / Tahanot Hayav (Stations of his life),’ has been published 
by Shibolim, isbn 965-7384-14-1. It is a large format ‘coffee table’ 
type book with many photos. Included are many photos from the many 
battles in which he fought and at least one lovely photo of Sharon 
holding a pomello. Cat. # 61558 $ 37.00

Dan Shilon another celebrated Israeli journalist has published a 
novel entitled, Teguva Ro’emet, ‘Stormy Reaction.’ This is another in 
the realm of timely fiction that reflects and perhaps expresses 
Israeli political, social, international, military realities. The 
book, deals with military action in Lebanon and the role and 
influence of the ‘media, among other things.’  Published by Miskal – 
Yediot, Hemed, isbn. 965-482-357-8, Cat. #61233 $26.00

In this past Friday issue of Ha’aretz they mentioned a journal of 
Hebrew Literature in English, MHL, No. 3, published by Toby Press. 
Now, this is published in the US, so I/we, at Jerusalem Books Ltd. 
don’t ‘need’ to mention it. However, I can’t help but be positive and 
supportive of a journal of literature which increases the awareness 
of Israeli Hebrew authors. Hopefully, this will increase the need and 
desire to acquire these books in their original Hebrew.

Recently, the world of Hebrew Literature saw the passing of Prof. 
Gershon Shaked, the known author and literary critic. He taught at 
Tel Aviv University and Jerusalem Books distributed more than a dozen 
books he published over the years.

In the area of Rabbinics / Sifrei Kodesh I hope to post a separate 
newsletter shortly. Needless to say, if you are looking for the new 
Talmud Yerushalmi, single volume edition or anything else by Ketuvim, 
or new things from Mossad Harav Kook, please let us know.

All of us at Jerusalem Books wish you a Happy Purim.



Jerusalem Books, pob 26190
Jerusalem 91261, Israel
tel/fax 972-2-643-3580

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