Just published is Dictionary of Iberian Jewish and Converso Authors, by
Norman Roth (Madrid, 2007), 765 pages. This is a complete catalogue of all
published works (books, but also work published in journals and other
sources) by Jewish and converted Jewish authors of medieval Spain and
Portugal. It includes also anonymous works, such as Bibles, Passover hagadot
and other works, and a complete index.  Titles are in Hebrew but all other
information, including biographical and bibliographical information, is in
   Order from: Aben Ezra Ediciones
             c/ Iris, 108
            28198 Alcobendas (Madrid)
cost is $130 by check, or  75 Euros to bank account
of the publisher: Aben Ezra Ediciones, Caja Madrid
    IBAN ES30 2038 2476 3230 0051 7932

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