(A special thanks to Barbara Leff for her suggestions!) --

Marie Cloutier, AJL Administrative Consultant, has reminded me that
this month is _National Mentoring Month_.

Mentoring has become an under-utilized service of AJL membership,
perhaps in light of the massive SSC closings and revocation of their
respective accreditation.

I'm hoping that after mid-winter conference, certain issues such as
budget, convention and restructuring will enable us to better see
what issues need to be addressed in order that we maintain
cutting-edge effectiveness within the Jewish community at large.

This past year, many library support staff (mostly non-members)
have contacted me for aid in setting up libraries, selecting OPAC
equipment, etc.  To be honest, I don't mind answering such
preliminary queries, but tend to see my mission somewhat differently.

As a committee of AJL, I wish our services to benefit paid members,
especially new professionals to the field.   I would hope that those
involved with mentorship indeed will foster confidence and
professionalism among Judaica library students, recent graduates,
and librarians in transition.  Furthermore, I know how very helpful a
mentorship is for first-time attendees to our annual conferences.

We had a modest yet meaningful turn-out in Seattle, and I'm hoping
that we will as well in Montreal.  Again, mentorships can be either a
one-year commitment or simply for the duration of the conference.
Chapters and regions should seriously look into establishing opportunities
for mentorships (or internships) at their local institutions.  If you are
involved in any of the above and are willing to share your thoughts,
feedback, experiences with me, please do so.  I'm hoping to write up
something for the blog, but need positive input.

I think we're all a bit impatient that our new home page is not yet
ready, and I foresee that as soon as it is available to the general
public, my committee be up and running.  Until then, let's all try to
push on with what we have.

Are there sessions or events that might do well in Montreal
connected to mentoring, sharing, study buddies, social learning, and
the like?  Have any of you gone outside AJL to be mentored?  If so,
was it due to your geographic location, subject area?  What issues
other than those concerning selection of online catalog hardware and
software concern you?  Programming?  Outreach?  Marketing and

For the Seattle conference, I called on interested members to
form study-buddies or special interest groups to retrain ourselves
in modern library technologies and trends. As soon as we have a
critical mass of such trained "mavens", we will be able to
re-establish a more robust mentoring committee.

Kol tuv and looking forward to hearing from you.

Stephanie Gross, MSLIS
AJL Mentoring

Pollack Library Rm. 406
Yeshiva University
500 West 185th Street
New York NY 10033

T:  212.960.5442
Skype:  Stephanie.L.Gross
E:  gr...@yu.edu
E:  ajlmentor...@gmail.com


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