(view online at http://www.danwymanbooks.com/scripture.htm)

Dear Friends,

We are proud to make available to you this wonderful exhibition 
catalog from the Jewish Theological Seminary Library here in New York:

Rustow, Marina and Sharon Liberman Mintz and Elka Deitsch. Curators:

Scripture and Schism. Samaritan and Karaite Treasures from the 
Library of the Jewish Theological Seminary. An Exhibition December 
14, 2000 - April 5, 2001.

New York, Jewish Theological Seminary of America Library, 2000. 
Original Softcover. Oblong 8vo. 128 pages. Heavily illustrated (some 
color). 21 x 23 cm. Introduction: The Makings of a Jewish Schism -- 
THE SAMARITANS: I. From Scripture to Schism: Samaritan Origins -- II. 
Samaritan Customs and Ceremonies -- III. The Samaritan Renaissance of 
Late Antiquity and the Encounter with Rabbinic Judaism -- IV. 
Samaritan Responses to Arab and Islamic Culture. -- THE KARAITES -- 
Karaites in the Islamic world -- I. "Search Diligently in the Torah": 
Karaite Beginnings -- II, Intertwined Worlds: Karaite-Rabbanite 
Relations in the Genizah Communities -- II. Age of Polemics: Karaites 
Come under Rabbanite Fire -- IV. Egyptian Karaism The Move Northward: 
Karaism in Greek, Turkish, and Russian lands -- V. Byzantine and 
Ottoman Karaism: Compromise and Codification -- VI. Karaites and 
Krimchaks: The Crimean Communities -- VII. Troki, Lutsk, Halicz, and 
Kiev: The Eastern European Communities -- VIII. Under the Czars: The 
Karaites Become a People Apart -- IX. The Firkovich Controversies: 
Scholarship in the Service of Separatism. SUBJECT(S): Samaritans -- 
History -- Exhibitions. Samaritans - Bibliography Exhibitions. 
Karaites -- History -- Exhibitions.
Karaites -- Bibliography -- Exhibitions. Includes bibliographical 
references (pages 127-128). New condition. (JTSAL-1).

The exhibition described in this book explored the works by and about 
the Samaritans and the Karaites, two ancient Jewish sects that claim 
to be the sole legitimate interpreters of the biblical religion. Both 
groups have
survived into the modern period.

The Samaritans claim to be descended from the tribes of the Northern 
Kingdom of Israel, who were not deported by the Assyrians in the 
eighth century. They do not consider themselves Jews. The Samaritans 
built their own sanctuary on Mt. Gerizim near Shechem (Nablus) in 
Samaria, where they still practice animal sacrifice once a year on 
Passover. Today they number roughly 600 souls, half under Israeli 
rule in Holon and the other half under Palestinian rule in their 
ancient center at Nablus.

The Karaites are an offshoot of Judaism that arose in the eighth 
century CE in Iraq in opposition to the Talmud and other rabbinic 
additions to biblical law. They claimed that the true Jewish religion 
lay in direct interpretation of Scripture by qualified individuals. 
 From Iraq, the sect spread to Palestine, Egypt, Byzantium, the 
Crimean peninsula, Poland, and Russia. Today there are Karaite 
communities in Russia, Lithuania, Turkey, Israel, Egypt and the US.

Scripture and Schism brought together a fascinating exhibit of 
medieval manuscripts, early printed books, broadsides, and other 
works rarely seen on public display, including medieval letters from 
the Cairo Genizah. They are reproduced on high quality paper in this 
beautiful exhibition catalog.

Additional information and images from the exhibit may be viewed 
online at http://www.jtsa.edu/prebuilt/exhib/scrips/index.shtml

Please order your copy today!


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