Shalom AJLers,

As many of you know, November 29th has been dubbed "Giving Tuesday" where
everyone is asked to donate to their favorite charity. I am not asking for
your personal donation (although we'd be glad to accept it), but rather
that you spread the following message to friends and family through your
favorite method of contact. I will also be posting this on AJL's Facebook
page, so you can simply share that post or feel free to write anything
you'd like, followed by the donate link.

I hope you all will join me in asking for donations.

All the best,


In a world where fake news passes for truth on Facebook, we need an
organization whose mission is to provide reliable resources are made
available in all formats and at all levels to anyone who seeks to study and
understand the Jewish experience. The Association of Jewish Libraries is an
international professional organization that fosters access to information
and research in all forms of media relating to all things Jewish. The
Association promotes Jewish literacy and scholarship and provides a
community for peer support and professional development.

Jackie Ben-Efraim

*"Although the books had changed, I the reader had not." **Micha Yosef
Berdichevsky 1865-1921*

Special Collections Librarian
Ostrow Library
American Jewish University
15600 Mulholland Drive
Bel Air, CA 90077
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