Newsletter Jerusalem Books ltd  - Purim - Winter 2017 

Dear Friends,

For those interested in Israel Studies and matters of gender and minorities
in Israel, the recent publication of 'Ma'amad Ishi u Migdar,' 'Personal
status and gender: Palestinian Women in Israel.' I am still debating with my
staff if the proper transliteration is, u' migdar or ve-migdar. In any event
the book is published by Pardes, Hiba Yazbek and Liat Kozma, editors.
Cat. 88932  $ 25.00 

The Jabotinsky Institute (along with Mossad Bialik) have published and
distributed, 'Galgal ha-manof shel ha-historiyah: Hitgabshut ha-Tsiyonut
he-estrategit shel Z'abotinski,' by Uri Milstein. The book is scholarly and
analyzes the development of 'strategic' Zionism of Jabotinsky. In these
changing times the history, strategy and philosophy of, so called,
revisionist Zionism is and will be an important area of research and study.
978-965-416-028-5  Cat. 88338  $ 19.00     

Kibbutz He-Meuchad has published 'Dalia Ravokovitch, shirim genuzim,'
unpublishd poems, by Gideon Tikotzky. Hard Cover, must have for Hebrew
Literature libraries. Cat 89043   $ 34.00

Hebew University, Magnes has published 'Hiqrey Ma'arav : : Studies in the
languages traditions, customs and documents of Maghrebian Jews, by Moshe
Bar-Asher, 978-965-481-063-0, hard cover. I can hardly begin to touch upon
the importance of this work. Linguistically, it examines Maghrebian language
and influences upon it from Aramaic, Arabic, Hebrew and Romance Languages
like French. North African Customs Jewish and other, Arab and colonial are
examined through a Deed/Note from the 19th Cent. CE from the Yale Library
Collection. Bible books or Jonah and Ruth are examined with texts translated
and North African Arabic translated and transliterated in Hebrew and some
English transliteration (Romanization). Having said this, I have only
scratched the surface of a major source of reference, study, research in
topics as varied as Bible, Hebrew Language, African, Culture, Customs,
History and more.  I am pleased that there appears to be a growing trend of
recognition in academia in general and Jewish Studies in particular of the
area and importance of North African Jewry, language, history and culture.
Cat  89041 $ 42.00


Recently we have seen a lovely book, entitled, 'Shirat Kol Hai - pirke
midrah ve-nigun,' edited by Matityahu Kahan. The book is coming out of
Otniel, published by Giluy Bayit. The book begins with three 'articles,'
which are introductory text explaining the role of music in Judaism for
example, the Levites and the elements of Midrash and poetry in prayer.  What
follows are almost 300 pages divided in five chapters of poems and prayers.
What is extraordinary is that each includes the Chords discretely but
clearly printed above each line. The selections vary from Hassidic, Viznitz
and Chabad, to Shuly Rand and Mosh Ben Ari and even some Arabic melodies.
The book is designed and printed beautifully and will be a valued addition
to any Judaica library. Cat.             $         

Koren has published another volumes of the Talmud Bavli, with R' Adin (Even
Yisrael)  Steinzalts' translation, commentary. This volume is Baba Batra
(aleph) 1. These are important works by an important rabbinic figure and
significant publisher.    Cat. 88991  $ 67.00         

What I would like to highlight is 'Ha-Tanakh ha-Mevo'ar - Tehillim,' 'the
Annotated Bible - Psalms,' also with R' Adin Steinzalts commentary. The book
is beautiful and important. Tehillim, Psalms has become the subject of more
scholarly attention in recent years. This book will be of interest to
scholars and researchers and to the lay reader as well. 978-965-301-983-6,
Cat. 88990   $  29.00      

Sometimes important rabbinic works are published by lesser known publishers
or self published. 'Siddur ha-Rambam,' the Suddur, prayer book of
Maimonides, has just been published. Of course, the book has the prayers and
blessings including for all the days and holidays of the year. However the
edition is scholarly and edited with notation and reference to multiple
manuscripts. Some are signed by the Rambam, R' Moshe ben Maimon, and
Yemenite scribal manuscripts including those in university collections like
Oxford, etc. The Siddur includes comparison to the Siddur of Geonim such as
R' Saadia Gaon.  It is an important work and addition to any library of
'Classical Jewish Studies.' Edited and published by 'Nusakh Teman,' Sagiv
Mahfoud. 927pp.  Cat 89064  $  46.00        

Herzog College - Tevunot have published some important books.  'Ha-Mikra'ot
ha-mithadshim,' studies in Nevi'im and Ketuvim, is a significant scholarly
work by Yakov Madan and edited by Reuven Gafni and Aviezer Cohen. Among the
many topics analyzed are the book of Judges, Samuel, kingdoms to destruction
and morality and war.  978-965-7086-63-6, (2016). 563pp.                 Cat
89059  $  36.00 


Wishing you all a Happy and Peaceful holiday and a fruitful and pleasant
Spring from all of us at Jerusalem Books ltd.



Jeff Spitzer



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