After nearly seventeen years as Judaica Cataloger specializing in Hebrew
and Yiddish, a highly dedicated member of the University of Michigan
Graduate Library’s staff, Marlene Gitelman, recently retired.

One could have asked for no better colleague. We have worked together so
smoothly in a tiny Judaica unit with our large collection over the years,
and Marlene has made it so pleasant for us to work on tackling the many
challenges that have arisen. From the abundant gifts we received over the
years to accessing Special Collections materials including books, artwork,
and realia and rare book cataloging, Marlene’s superb work in building our
Judaica collections and helping maintain them as some of the best in the
country has been of inestimable value. She faced every test with
enthusiasm, including numerous institutional reorganizations, cataloging a
very large collection of Haggadahs, and research work uncovering detailed
background data on titles, authors, artists, etc. for rare antiquarian
Hebraica—including books missing both the title page and colophon.

Before joining our staff, Marlene was for eighteen years the principal of
the Hebrew Day School in Ann Arbor, a school she helped found.

We will miss her calm and cheerful disposition, along with her smile, and
wish her the very best in the years to come. If I know Marlene, she will be
even more active than ever!  We treasured her time here, and will sorely
miss her!  I look forward to hearing about all her future endeavors.

*Be-hatslaḥah u-ve-brakhah!  Rav todot/a hartsikn dank *for a job very well
done, Marlene!

Elliot H. Gertel
Irving M. Hermelin Curator of Judaica
Curator, Jewish Heritage Collection
The University of Michigan
Area Programs
111-C Hatcher Graduate Library North
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1190
Phone: 734-936-2367
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