
AJL is now an affiliate of The American Institute for Conservation. I was asked 
to post the following call for website testers. It's not a big time commitment, 
and AJLers should show their support by volunteering for this quick task.

Hag Same'ah,


The American Institute for Conservation (AIC) recently completed a major 
upgrade and redesign of its website. The goal for our new website and online 
community platform is to capably serve both AIC members (i.e. professional 
conservators and allied professionals) in accessing member services, as well as 
non-members looking to understand more about our field, hire conservators or 
find information on preserving cultural heritage. 


We are hoping to identify a number of people who are interested in 
preservation, consumers of conservation/preservation services, or  website 
development and functionality to serve on a AIC web users focus group.  
Participants would provide feedback on experiences completing tasks such as 
finding a conservator, accessing a journal article, registering for a program, 
etc. or other topics of interest.  This is not a major time commitment and is a 
chance to help ensure that our platforms enable the Collections/Registration 
community to efficiently find information and services that meet your needs. 


If you or anyone you know is interesting in assisting please reach to me 
off-list at

Thank you,



Rachael Perkins Arenstein

AIC Professional Associate & e-Editor



Jackie Ben-Efraim

"Although the books had changed, I the reader had not." Micha Yosef 
Berdichevsky 1865-1921

Special Collections Librarian
Ostrow Library
American Jewish University
15600 Mulholland Drive
Bel Air, CA 90077
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