Dear Michelle,

Chapeaux! Your energy and entrepreneurship is amazing!

You may find interest in the following article that details a program for
Jewish digital humanities. Comments and criticism are much welcome as
well as suggestions for advancing program like this one or similar.

Feeding the Digital Humanities: the DM2E and Judaica Europeana projects

Best regards,

On Mon, Jul 7, 2014 at 8:56 PM, Michelle Chesner <> wrote:

> Hello all,
> I know that not everyone was able to make it to Las Vegas at the end of
> June, and not everyone who came to the AJL conference was able to make it
> to the DH roundtable.  For those who are interested, I have copied the
> email (edited slightly to clarify certain things and to include later
> happenings) that I sent to members of the roundtable following the
> conference.  It'll be a little difficult to summarize the roundtable in a
> formal way for the AJL Proceedings so consider this the proceedings for
> that session.  If there are any questions, please feel free to be in touch.
> Best,
> Michelle
> ---
> Thank you all for coming to the session.  It was a lively conversation,
> and certainly needs to continue, and so I wanted to begin right away.
> 1. I have created a Google Group (
>!forum/js-librarians-in-dh) to better
> manage discussions.  The group works the same way as Hasafran - once you're
> signed up, you can email, which will
> send your emials to the entire list.  You can also choose how you receive
> the emails (digest, individual emails, etc.).  Note that you do not need a
> gmail account to join the Google Group.
> 2. The short link to the Contacts list (the list that went around the room
> identifying people with an interest in DH and Jewish Studies) is
>  Please feel free to forward this list around and add
> names to it!
> 3. The spreadsheet that I created to "catalog" various projects (beginning
> with the ones listed on can be found at
>  Please DO add more resources to the list,
> although I would request at this point that nobody change the general
> format of it. Additionally, if you have comments/questions on the set-up,
> please, start a conversation with the people on this list, and we can
> change it it makes sense!  Again, feel free to distribute this list.
> 4. A smaller group of us have gotten together to formalize what AJL's role
> (and by extension, our role as Judaica Librarians) is in supporting digital
> humanities in Jewish Studies.
> 5.  For interested parties, I have created a small (for now) Twitter list
> of people/projects in DH Jewish Studies (#DHJewish).  You can find it here:
>  Please let me know
> if you know of others that should be on this list.
> __
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