<div><div>I am posting this on behalf of Avi West, copied on this posting; I 
was a member for years of its Library Advisory Committee. Its parent agency, 
the Partnership for Jewish Life and Learning, successor agency to the BJE of 
Greater Washington, was dissolved about a year ago.<br /><br />Avi West<br 
/>Senior Education Officer and Master Teacher<br />Jewish Life and Learning<br 
/>The Jewish Federation of Greater Washington<br />240-283-6218 phone<br 
/>301-230-7274 fax<br /><br /><br />Here is his letter about what is happening 
to the rest of the Isaac Franck Jewish Public Library.</div><br /><br />Good 
Shabbos in advance.<br /><br /><br /><br /> </div>

July 10, 2014                      
Dear Colleagues,
“Change is the law of life. And those who look only to the past or present are 
certain to miss the future.”
John F. Kennedy
The art of reading and research have been changing steadily in the 21st 
century.  Print resources do not seem to “kindle” the same warm feelings in a 
new generation.  Yet reading, composing works of literature, and looking up 
data continue to be important activities.  A world of learning is one click 
away.  Change is not all bad- it is just different.  
As you are undoubtedly aware, Jewish organizations nationwide are being faced 
with budget constraints, space and staffing reductions, and diminished client 
demand, leading them to reduce severely their library holdings.   Not 
surprisingly, the major collection once called the Isaac Franck Jewish Public 
Library must now do the same.
The Library was an extensive, comprehensive collection of Judaica from A to. 
It’s primarily English, but with Hebrew and Yiddish materials as well.  For 
many years, the circulating collection served the needs of students and 
teachers, amateur and professional researchers, and the reading public in both 
the Jewish and the general communities.  
We are pleased that some key elements of the library will still be available 
within the community.  What was centralized will now be decentralized.  
Essential works in Judaic subjects and pedagogy will be housed at The Jewish 
Federation.  Resources on the Holocaust, Israel, social justice, and Women’s 
Voices will be housed within some local institutions.  We are still working out 
the details for public access and consultations, which will be very limited due 
to limited staff.
But many books and resources remain unclaimed at Wilkins Avenue…. Now our 
heretofore readership is invited to come again, and, this time, check out their 
choices---for good.  Our treasures are yours for the taking, and we will be 
delighted to see them go to good homes.  Donations are accepted to help defray 
the cost of the transition.  Bags and boxes will be available. Donations $1 a 
We will have “open house” hours the week of July 13-20: ​Monday 7/14- 12-3
​​​​​​​​Tuesday 7/15- 10-1
​​​​​​​​Wednesday 7/16- 3:30-5:30
​​​​​​​​Thursday 7/17- 12-2
​​​​​​​​Sunday 7/20 11 - 1
Other times may be arranged by appointment.  For more information and to make 
an appointment, please email Avi West at avi.w...@shalomdc.org.
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