Mosaica Press is excited to announce the publication of the following books:

The Four Elements of an Empowered Life

Rabbi Shlomo Buxbaum

The Four Elements of an Empowered Life takes you on a journey inward — to
understand your unique purpose and to discover your inner worlds,
represented by the four elements of fire, wind, water, and earth. Drawing
on a wide range of sources, including classic Torah texts, Kabbalistic
works, psychology, and modern-day thinkers, as well as the author’s own
personal experiences in Jewish education and outreach, Rabbi Buxbaum
presents a close-up look at the constant struggles that are taking place
within each of these inner worlds. These pages are filled with practical
tools and habits that will help you master the elements and become the
greatest possible version of yourself — empowering you to accomplish the
mission that only you can achieve in this world.


Release Date: July 1st, 2021- Available for pre-order at;!!KGKeukY!nfGaHJUA077r4PcTD092l_258E4pHVARJn3Mh5sANYG84UfLmn9OWr_esBvmSTh4wVU$

Raising a Community, a Family, and Ourselves

Rabbi Avraham Bogopulsky

To elevate one’s life, the individual focuses on growth in three areas:
oneself, one’s family, and one’s community. Ideally, he does so under the
leadership and direction of his rabbi, who can offer specific and
personalized guidance. Raising a Community, a Family, and Ourselves shares
thought-provoking anecdotes and lessons — from three decades of the
author’s dynamic leadership as a pulpit rabbi — that educate and encourage
the individual in living a moral and elevated existence.


Order at;!!KGKeukY!nfGaHJUA077r4PcTD092l_258E4pHVARJn3Mh5sANYG84UfLmn9OWr_esBvm4nGiU0g$

Torah Scroll Column Reference Guide

P.R. Kliman

Learn to identify the Sefer, Parashah, and Aliyah(s) of any Torah Scroll
column. An indispensable companion to Tikkun Kor’im.


Order at;!!KGKeukY!nfGaHJUA077r4PcTD092l_258E4pHVARJn3Mh5sANYG84UfLmn9OWr_esBvmgdWDC18$

Tranquility and Travail

Rabbi Dovid Sapirman

This volume shares core information and key insights from Torah sources to
explain the Torah perspective on life’s challenges, written by a master
Torah educator and bestselling author.


Order at;!!KGKeukY!nfGaHJUA077r4PcTD092l_258E4pHVARJn3Mh5sANYG84UfLmn9OWr_esBvmrEgNTkk$

The Human Challenge

Rabbi Avraham Edelstein

A rich and exciting overview of frequently broached topics for the
intelligent and sensitive adult reader. This book connects the wisdom and
relevance of Judaism to our lives.


Order at;!!KGKeukY!nfGaHJUA077r4PcTD092l_258E4pHVARJn3Mh5sANYG84UfLmn9OWr_esBvmLuWQsww$

Nurture Their Nature

Rabbi Dr. Yosef Lynn , Rabbi Jack Cohen

Based on a breathtaking array of writings by Jewish sages from Talmudic
times until today, this book presents the case for self-knowledge as the
key to reaching each individual’s potential.


Release Date: July 1st, 2021 - Available for pre-order at;!!KGKeukY!nfGaHJUA077r4PcTD092l_258E4pHVARJn3Mh5sANYG84UfLmn9OWr_esBvmxyYbTIY$


Dr. Leslie M. Gutman

We all need resilience in our lives as no one is immune to life's
challenges and hardships. This meaningful book by Dr. Leslie Gutman will
help us face whatever challenge comes our way and grow from the experience.
Resilience is a wonderful synthesis of Torah-based insights, extensive
psychological research, and practical exercises.


Order at;!!KGKeukY!nfGaHJUA077r4PcTD092l_258E4pHVARJn3Mh5sANYG84UfLmn9OWr_esBvmpA7K59M$

Psychology in the Talmud

Rabbi Elihu Abbe

Psychology in the Talmud uncovers important insights from the Jewish
tradition and offers tools for success, joy, growth, and inspiration.
Timeless ideas are elaborated on from the writings of classical Torah
commentaries as well as current leaders in the fields of psychology and
personal growth.


Order at;!!KGKeukY!nfGaHJUA077r4PcTD092l_258E4pHVARJn3Mh5sANYG84UfLmn9OWr_esBvmzmXEHWU$

Living Tehillim- volume 4

Rivka Segal with Dr. Lisa Aiken

After teaching Tehillim to hundreds of women in Jerusalem, noted lecturer
Mrs. Rivka Segal has finally brought the beauty and relevance of Tehillim
to the general public. Written in collaboration with bestselling author Dr.
Lisa Aiken, volume IV of Living Tehillim brings the many well-known
chapters of Tehillim 90–118 to life and shows us how we can adapt each of
the chapters to our lives today. Connect to Tehillim like never before.


Order at;!!KGKeukY!nfGaHJUA077r4PcTD092l_258E4pHVARJn3Mh5sANYG84UfLmn9OWr_esBvmjfu7UnA$

The Wisdom of Getting Unstuck

Rabbi Shimshon Meir Frankel

In this book, you learn how to listen (and speak) to your soul, identify
the bad spots, focus on the good parts, live according to your true values,
and tell your story in the way that you’ve always yearned to have it told.


Order at;!!KGKeukY!nfGaHJUA077r4PcTD092l_258E4pHVARJn3Mh5sANYG84UfLmn9OWr_esBvmo31W7Xc$

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Mosaica Press

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