Dear people interested in Haskell 1.3,

One modest extension we could make to the Haskell type system is

        to permit polymorphic recursion if 
        a type signature is provided

The standard Hindley-Milner restriction is that a recursive function
can only be called monomorphically in its own body.   Here's an
example (from an earlier posting to the SML list, which can't typecheck
under this restriction.

        data Foo a = A | B (Foo [a])

        -- f :: Foo a -> ()
        f A         = ()
        f (B thing) = f thing

Why doesn't it work?  Because the recursive call to f is at type
[a] rather than a.

There's a fairly standard extension to the HM type system which says that
if f is given an explicit type signature (so that the type of f need only
be checked, not inferred), then the program can be typechecked.

This program looks a little odd, but I can personally testify to having
tripped over this problem in programs that I Really Wanted to write.

I propose we adopt the extension for Haskell 1.3.  


PS This idea is part of the folklore, but I don't know of a reference which
describes it. Does anyone else?  (Specifically the simple type-signature
solution; I know there are papers about inference algorithms which allow
polymorphic recursion; semi-unification and stuff.)

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