Just for the record, here is a Perl function that does this:

sub counter
    my $a = shift;

    my $next = sub {
        my $to_add = shift ;
        return counter($to_add+$a);

    return ($a, $next);

my ($result,$next) = counter(5);
my ($result2, $next2) = $next->(100);
my ($result3, $next3) = $next2->(50);
my ($result4, $next4) = $next->(30);

print "\$result=$result\n\$result2=$result2\n\$result3=$result3\n\$result4=$result4\n";


        Shlomi Fish

Shlomi Fish        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Home Page:         http://t2.technion.ac.il/~shlomif/
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He who re-invents the wheel, understands much better how a wheel works.

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