In my effort to turn Haskell into a language more like Perl (muahaha)[1], I got a bit fed up and implemented something like Perl 5's =~ binding operator (a.k.a. "regex" operator); I thought maybe somebody else here might find it useful. Perl has the concept of 'contexts': a function does something different depending on what type its caller expects back from the function. Sounds like a perfect abuse of type classes, to me :). Code follows:

{-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts #-}
{-  Need this for "instance Foo [String]" declarations -}

module PLRE where
-- Perl-Like Regular Expressions

import Text.Regex

-- Perl-Like =~ operator, which changes behaviour depending on its calling
-- context

class RegExContext a where
  (=~) :: String -> String -> a

instance RegExContext Bool where
  s =~ re = case matchRegex (mkRegex re) s of
    Nothing -> False
    Just x -> True

instance RegExContext [String] where
  s =~ re = case matchRegex (mkRegex re) s of
    Nothing -> []
    Just x -> x

boolContextTest string regEx =
  case string =~ regEx of
    True -> print True
    False -> print False

stringListContextTest string regEx =
  case string =~ regEx of
    (a:x) -> print ("First match: " ++ a)
    _ -> error "No subexpression matches"

Some test output for you:

*PLRE> boolContextTest "foo" "^f"
*PLRE> boolContextTest "foo" "^g"
*PLRE> stringListContextTest "foo" "^(.)"
"First match: f"
*PLRE> stringListContextTest "goo" "^(.)"
"First match: g"
*PLRE> stringListContextTest "" "^(.)"
*** Exception: No subexpression matches

Note that you have a fairly severe restriction if you want to use =~ in your code: the Haskell compiler must be able to determine a concrete type for the context that =~ is used in. i.e. if stringListContextTest was defined as:

stringListContextTest string regEx =
  case string =~ regEx of
    (a:x) -> print a
    _ -> error "No subexpression matches"

The compiler can't concretise a type for 'a', and it'll complain about not having an instance for RegExContext [a] (which is fair enough). Even with this restriction, I'm sure it'll still be useful. It shouldn't be a bit leap to define other Perl-ish operators in this fashion, such as !~, or even s/.../. Have the appropriate amount of fun!

1. Actually, I wanted to turn Haskell into a language more suitable for text processing, but that doesn't sound as evil.

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